Pain// Tìsraw

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Darkness. It was cold. Kaldr. Sand. Sandr.  That Was the first thing she could make out. Everything was blurry, a whirlind of grey and Sand coloured Wastes.

Where was she? Who was she? Why was she here?

Something moved her. No. She was in Something that moved. Metal. Engine. Machine. Vehicle. She never was in a Car before, so she had to be in one. At least she guessed so. Metal. Jarn. Iron. Grey. Gràr means Grey. Gamall Nœrren. Old Norse.

She did'nt know why she thought that, but it brought her comofort. Old languages of forgotten Times.

She remembered her Fahters words, a great Linguist. He was her teacher, her Father and the only Light after her Mother's Death. Mòðir. Mother.

Before she could form another thought, she was engulfed into darkness again, all sounds amd Memories fading into nothing again.

White. Hvìt. Light. Léttr.  Everything was white. Léttr means Light.

  "Do we have her stable? And her Vitals?" The Voice of the Woman faded into gibberish under thousands of ohter frabtic Voices. A Poke. She feelt dizzy again. The Voices got silent again. Why was she here?

A Scream tore trough the White. Grey. Red. Pain. Someone was in Pain. Whoever it was screamed, Fear and pure Agony palpable in the persons Tone. Blades cutting flesh, breaking of Bones and flashes of grey mixed with skin. Mechanics bonding  with skin in a groteque piece. Sewing, another scream.  Shocks. Everything Black.

She awoke again. But this time, she could see something different than white. Table. Restraints. People. Everything was a blur.

Everything hurt, like someone was stabbing her over and over again, never stopping. Another scream was heard, Scalpels cutting into flesh. The constant peep of a thing she remembered hearing. 

A Thing that could sense someones Heartbeat. Flatline. I'm Dead.

She could hear something, it was weak. So weak, she thought it was an Illusion. Another Heartbeat. Stronger  faster.

She could feel herself again, not bound to a white Void. It was strange, an almost foreign feeling. Her Body was bumb, but she could feel it a little bit. She could feel her Neck. It hurt and it was cold. Why was it cold?

After a few minutes, she could feel her Body. She should've lucky. But she was'nt. She whished, she did'nt.

Pain. There was Pain. She could'nt think of anything else. Burning, trobbing in ohter areas. Sharp or dull in other Areas.

She was cold, the Air tasted strange. Dry, but with something different. Metallic. Desinfectant.

Slowly, she could move her fingers, but she stopped as she feelt a seering pain in her Bones, traveling in Waves to her overstimulated Brain. The same with her legs.

Everything was dark. She was a Newborn, a Infant in this new empty World.

White was the first thing she saw as she opened her eyes, a white Door infront of her. She was clothed in white too. It looked wrong, but she did'nt know why.

Her Hands were bound, metal drawing blood from her pale skin. The Room was empty, expect her.

Sounds. Voices echoed. She tried to speak, to scream. The pain was duller now. But still there, stabbing her limbs. It did'nt matter if she moved or not. And then, finally, she felt Panic.

Her breathing constricted, her mind a storm of broken thoughts. She could'nt speak, the pain became worse with every breath she made. It hurt. It hurt so much, she wished she could peel the Pain from her skin. To die and end it all. 

Memories came back. Blades cutting into her Skin, stitches inside her Skin. Her Bones snapping in two.

The screams came back inside her Head. They were her own. She was screaming and no one helped.

"You’re lucky to be alive, Moreno."

She did'nt notice how he stepped in. The Man with the brown, lifeless eyes. She wanted to answer, to ask him to make the Pain go away. But she could'nt. Everything was numb and liveless. Weak and almost dead.

A small, sick smile grazed his lips as he looked her over. Like he was looking at an Animal. Perversion. I'm not a Toy.

"You almost died. Your lungs collapsed. Thankfully, we had great Doctors"

Just now she noticed that she could breathe. No coughing, no blood. Just Air, traveling without any Pain down her lungs and out again.

He moved again, holding a flat black screen in Hand.

"And before you say anything. You choose this". 

"I'm in"

"You have a resting Time of a Month. Until you're fully healed. Then we talk about the Deal in Detail" He did'nt say anything else, he just left.

And thats when everything came down. Insults of the worst kind left her chapped lips, screams of both Fear and Pain left her lips. Every move, every word made the Pain worse.

Her Voice was hoarse after a few Hours.

Or was it minutes? Seconds? She did'nt know the Time. She did'nt know anything, where she was. Why she was here. What they did to her.

Why she, now all of a sudden, could breathe properly. But she did know that she was in Pain. She was scared, angry and in pure Panic. She wanted out of here, but her Body could'nt move.

She heard something again. Pained screams, scared and desperate. The same ones. Insults that cursed out their own dammned Situation. I'm not alone.

She then looked down at herself. Metal fused with pale flesh, black and Red cables traveling under her Skin like a cursed Painting. She looked down at the white floor. It was'nt  white anymore. Red on the floor. A physical representation her own Pain

Blood. Dreyri.


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