S1 | 01: Outside World

81 7 4

Updated — 8/11/2023 [REVISED ✔️]



  "Veldora," Rimuru was hesitant for a moment to say it, "Are you even sure... Ve— brother?" Rimuru asked him, and he seems to be fidgeting for his reply. 

  They had been in the garage for quite a while now, and with the news Lucia's and Veldanava's death— Rimuru could not help but fear the outside world, as if they were gonna kill them with a blitz. And if that's the worse part, his brother wants to go to the outside world.

  Veldora simply turned around, their gold eyes locking with each other. 

  "Rimuru... but." He whined, "Look, I know you are sad by..."

  Rimuru widened his eyes, "But... Veldora, do you understand? The outside world is quite dangerous!"

  He was worried for his brother, since they were probably the only survivors in the town. And what if— there was a Robot waiting for them in the garage?  Rimuru frowned at this, still watching in Veldora in disbelief.

  Eventually, Veldora spoke up.

  "You promised where you would create a city filled with peace right? Why not we go outside and fulfil that promise you wanted?" Veldora says.

  Rimuru could see that Veldora— almost, almost opens the garage door that would eventually lead to the harsh outside world.

  Rimuru seemed to pause before saying: "That's too idealistic, Veldora!"

( A/N : Yeah yeah, sure.... )

  "Well... you said that to older-sister... Velzard before..." Veldora says, and just by saying her name, he flinched a little.

  Velzard, Rimuru and Veldora's older-sister, quite a strict sister to Veldora, but has a little soft spot for both of her brothers. Velzard teaches them mathematics and on how to read, meanwhile, if any of them cause chaos— then she might just whoop them off.

  "...That was just silly of me, I was young, even!... Plus, how could I even do that with the state of the world... being like this? Even Veldanava and Lucia died... because of the apocalypse." Rimuru whispered, his brows furrowing a little.

  Veldora, only watched as Rimuru said that, and then again, he sighed.

  "...You have a point, Rimuru..."

  Veldora seems to have thought about what Rimuru had said now, "But I still want to go. Wait, then... I'll give you time to decide, Rimuru... If we want to go to the outside world, or not."

  "...Okay, give me... Give me three days... to decide." Rimuru sighed, before turning to go back to the couch to watch some old videos downloaded on his phone.

  And just like that, the unresting days of Rimuru Tempest and his brother, Veldora Tempest, was just about to begin...


[Timeskip: Three Days]

  Rimuru had agreed, and gave in. And in response, Veldora finally laughed as if they were back in the good ol' days, causing Rimuru to smile. Although— He wouldn't tell Veldora that the reason why he had gained confidence was because of his laid back personality .

  Then Rimuru and Veldora packed their bags, they were gonna go out now despite Rimuru having a bad feeling.

  "Alright, if we get in danger..."

  "It's my fault, yeah..." 

  Veldora picked up the 'Sacred Text' from his bag, being eternally grateful for their older-sister to teach them how to read.


  Rimuru murmurs, and a smile escalates from his face.

  Veldora then opened the garage door, and it wasn't the same outside world they once knew of. A brown atmosphere, destroyed houses, and a recently crashed car near a rusty house with smoke coming out of it.

  Rimuru and Veldora were quite shocked, as the books from their sister— Velgrynd, the books had said that the sky was blue, and that everything was colorful

  Rimuru and Veldora walked out, and they could only watch as the world had... rather turned dull. It was not quite colorful as the book expected, but opposite. Rimuru wondered how he was able to gain food via Veldora's 'self-made' robots.

  "Know that I mention it... I wonder how sister Velgrynd and sister Velzard doing right now..." Rimuru murmured, he knew that they had sent a radio message from them last 6 months ago, but he was still worried.

  The possibility of being dead might be high, but Rimuru felt like they were still there, somewhere.

  "I'm sure they're fine, Rimuru..." Veldora said, comforting Rimuru as he patted his head, like he was a little kid.


  Rimuru glances at the scenery— the worst he had seen, before turning his head to Veldora.

  "It's rather different..."

  "No shit sherlock." 


  Veldora sweats, and only nods. "I mean— some houses are okay... but some were attacked by the robots."

  "No shit sherlock." Rimuru sneered back, his tone a little bit snarky.




  A boy with red hair attacked a robot, then glanced at Rimuru and Veldora, with wide eyes.

  Same goes to the five that watched the duo curiously. As if they were not expecting someone to come in here.

  "What was that!?" Rimuru shouted, and before he could turn his head, a boy with red hair suddenly came up to them in the speed of light (exaggerated,) with his five other friends.

  The boy coughs, "A survivor..." The boy said, following the five peoples gasps behind him.

  "Yes... we are, but. Uhm... who are you?" Rimuru asked, looking at them, although he was staring at the purple haired womans... 

  That's quite large— I mean...

  "Oh— sorry. The names Benimaru, my sister, Shuna, and my other friends, Souei, Hakurou, Kurobee, Shion... we thought there weren't any survivors here."

  "...No... survivors?"


・Author's Note: Rushed faster than a Quickie LMFAO... anyways this fanfic might just be a oneshot... that would never be serialised... pfft. This fanfic is just me dumping all my ideas...

Maybe I'll make this a series.. but eh. Im lazy

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