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⋆ twenty-four ⋆

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⋆ twenty-four ⋆

The only way Lily Osborn knows this is the right time to strike is because of lunch.

Coincidentally, knowing her own stomach is rumbling is comforting to her, knowing that the others would be out of the office. There'd be less security, and with her status as CEO still being widespread despite her absence from the office recently, she heads up easily and quickly. JJ's not at the reception, allowing her to slip through the doors.

She got some of the files, but she didn't get all of them. She has to believe that. There's got to be some files still hidden in the mainframe, scattered across Oscorp computers. Something truly incriminating that'll tie everything right back to Carson Maxwell.

Sighing when she doesn't get anywhere, Lily hesitates before remembering what happened last time. "KARI. Open up files that have recently been approved by Lily Osborn."


They pop up, and the result is instantaneous. The files she saw last time, but with more folders. Some about weaponry. Some about performance enhancers. Some with edits to previous prototypes.

She barely gets to open one before her entire screen flashes red, a large BLOCKED showing up and preventing her from seeing anything else. "KARI, explain."

"I'm sorry, Miss Osborn, but you have been blocked from seeing this information."

"No shit. I can see that. By who?"

"CEO Carson Maxwell."

"I'm sorry, did you just say CEO Carson Maxwell?"

"That would be me!"

Lily turns to the door just as it slides open, Maxwell sauntering in after a moment. His round glasses are perched low on his nose, the man giving a chuckle as he pushes them up. "Well, to be accurate, not quite yet. There's a meeting being held this afternoon regarding your dismissal. I mean, experimenting on people secretly? Creating nuclear weaponry? That's sort of illegal."

"That wasn't me. That was you!"

"Ah, right! Except the files have been approved by Lily Osborn, as I'm sure you noticed on your little trip on the intranet. Not to add that you've not come into work these last two weeks. It's cast quite a bad light on you, I'm sorry to say, Miss Osborn."

He begins to walk further into the room, shaking his head with an incredulous laugh. "You know, I found it so strange how we had to refer to you as Miss Osborn. I mean, you're barely even a teenager, but carrying the weight of Oscorp on your shoulders? That had to be tough. I think we're actually doing you a favour here."

"Except this will get me behind bars."

"Potato potahto."

Lily calmly stands up from her seat, leaning her back against the table. "Congratulations, Maxwell. It seems you thought this plan through from the start. After Dad refused to co-CEO you, you amassed your own friends and started up an underground department operating on embezzled funds. And when you knew you'd be caught, you pinned it all on the CEO. I bet you had this prepared just in case Dad or Harry caught you, too."

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