1. The Attack

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I should probably introduce myself huh? Well, I have dark brown hair, long and currently down below my shoulders. My eyes are an emerald sort of green, I love them. I feel they're one of my best features to be completely honest. If you're wondering if I have a New Yorker accent, why yes of course I do! It's pretty thick too! I really do wish I had freckles though, they would've looked nice on me. My brother Dallas Winston thinks I look very pretty already. He's a pretty tough bot, but I love him and he has  little soft spot for me! He got me some new clothes for my  pretty recent birthday, so, I was showing them off at school today. I was wearing, jean shorts with a white crop top. Sometimes, I get a little surprised with my brother. He sure does know me better than anyone else in the gang. My best friends are the girls, of course. But I'm pretty good friends with Johnny Cade and Sodapop. I've known Johnnycakes, basically since we moved to Tulsa. I love him and he's super sweet. His sister, Danielle Jo Cade, is one of my besties too. Just like, Two-bit's sister, Lexi Matthews and Lilly Curtis, Pony's twin.

So anyway, as I was coming back home from school when a bunch of soc boyfriends attacked me. Now I wish that I wasn't wearing my new clothes- But I was annoying their girlfriends in 3rd period and I suppose they saw me. I tried really hard to get away from them but they kept on stalking me while still in their car. I started walking faster, as fast as I could walk but the they just went faster. That's when 5 socs got out of the car. I was a bit confused because I was only talking to 3 girls. They must've brought some backup. Amateurs I thought, but still pretty frightened because it was 5 against 1. I would've had a chance if my brother Dallas Winston was here. He's a lot stronger than I am. I can throw a good punch though. 

They all got real close to me and I tried to back away. I couldn't though because of the building right behind me. What was I thinking? I should've known that there'd be consequences. I felt like Ponyboy just then. Lilly's twin, the boy who likes me and I think I like him back but I'm not so sure right about now. Then I thought of the time when he got jumped and the gang had to save him. I wasn't there but Dally was. He had told me all about that day and told me to stay far away from those soc girls and everything. I just realized that I broke something. If Dallas found out I didn't listen to him then, maybe he couldn't be able to trust me. I couldn't bear the thought of that. I love Dally and Dally loves me. We had a tight relationship that I didn't ever really share with Lilly or Dani. I couldn't tell him I just couldn't. 

The socs had beaten me up pretty bad at this point. It hurt, it really did. I wanted to yell and scream for help but I didn't want anyone else to know about this. If they did they might tell Dallas. The socs were surprised. "Oh, I guess you can take that huh grease girl?" one soc said with a baby blue colored shirt on. I started to blackout a bit and faint noises came out of my mouth. They were about to attack me even harder than before but one soc told them that I'd had enough. I couldn't tell who it was since I was half unconscious. But they all left. I thought I had a black eye and I was wondering how in the world I was gonna hide that from anyone in our gang. I was hurting bad. There were bruises and cuts all over my body and I was still laying on the ground moaning in pain. I trembled and shook, something that I don't normally do. Then I figured it out, I was scared. I was frightened. I didn't know what I was going to do. I didn't want to tell anyone about it either. I was all alone in this mess. I tried as hard as I could to help myself up. I had a very noticeable limp and I had a very hard time walking. I tried to walk normally but every time I tried, I failed. 

I was close to the lot when I got jumped just minutes ago. So, I walked over there to take a break. I sat on some newspaper and took off my backpack, tossed it aside and thought. I thought about what Dallas would think, what Dani Jo and Lilly would think, and even Ponyboy. They'd just see me as a kid who couldn't take care of herself. Everyone would think of me differently. I was so angry and upset that I started to cry. No one was around even though it was the middle of the afternoon so I didn't care anymore. I wanted to cry. I needed to really. After about 15 minutes of me trying to let out my pain, I finally had the courage to go home and see Dallas.

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