2. Luna Means Moon

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I was passing out but Lilly kept me awake. Two-bit was trying to reach someone from the gang to get help, but it was no use. No one was answering them. "Okay kids," Two started "Were just going to have to go to the hospital ourselves." Our eyes were wide again. I didn't want to go without the rest of the gang. Lilly tried to reason with Two-bit. But we had to go alone because no one was answering the phone. "Ok Lilly?" he said. "Ok Two..." she replied. They came over to me and Two-bit kneeled to the ground. He got out a big piece of cloth from his jacket and started to wrap it around my leg. "Where'd you get that Two?" Lilly asked him. He didn't reply to her and kept rapping up my leg. It hurt pretty badly but it had to be done. 

I wish that Dallas was here. He'd usually reassure to me that it'd be ok. The others didn't know that he did that though. It was just, our thing. As Two-bit finished wrapping up my leg's cuts and big bruises, he started to pull on it to make the wrap tighter. I admit, it did hurt pretty badly.

 "AAAAA!" I screamed. 

"Shhhh," said Two-bit in a demanding but also gentle voice. "Calm down alright kiddo?"

 I tried to calm myself down a little but my breathing was the same. Heavy and real fast. Lilly started to pat and rub my back to calm down my breathing. "Th-Thanks L-Lilly..." I managed to say to her. She smiled at me and gave me a side hug since Two-bit was still working on my leg. He finished it up and asked if it was uncomfortable. "Of course it's uncomfortable Two-bit!!" I teased and then smiled at him through the pain. "Heh, alrighty, let's go." he said picking me up. I put my arms across his neck as he carried me to the car. We walked a little but then Lilly started walking faster and so did Two-bit. They ended up running all the way to the car. Well, most of the way for Two-bit. 

"Whoa," I said with a painful look on my face. "Easy Two. Stop bouncing, it hurts ya know."

 "Sorry" he said. 

Two-bit slowed down but Lilly Curtis kept running. She was real fast like Ponyboy. They both did track together. By the time she got to the truck Two and I were still way back. "C'MON GUYS!!!" she yelled to us. Two-bit looked at me and we both made eye contact. I nodded and he ran faster. He's pretty slow but I didn't make fun of him 'cause he IS the one carrying me. When we got to the truck, Two-bit carefully put me in the back laying down and Lilly went to the front. Two started the car and drove real fast to the hospital. "I said! EASY on the BUMPS TWO!!" I yelled from the backseat. Lilly turned around to face me. "Sorry Luna" she said. "We're almost there okay?" I nodded at her trying not to yell or scream. I was groaning a lot though. "ooooo..." I mumbled. 

We eventually got there and Two-bit and Lilly rushed to get me inside. They kicked open the door and told everyone to get out of the way. "Help! Somebody! Get her HELP!!" Two yelled out. A couple nurses came with a stretcher and put me on it. My vision started to blur and there were bright lights all around me. I started looking around and groaned trying to stay awake. The nurses then put a mask over my mouth to give me more air. Lilly and Two-bit were walking on the side of the stretcher with the nurses. 

When we all got to an empty ER room, they told Two and Lilly to wait outside while they operate on me. Two-bit was getting frustrated but Lilly calmed him down and convinced him to just wait outside. Meanwhile, when I was in the operating room, my vision got worse. I started to blackout more but I caught the doctors and nurses doing some things. I saw lights over my head and the nurses removing the makeshift cast Two-bit made me. I couldn't for sure see much else but I might've seen the doctors getting needles and stuff ready. I didn't like needles. And I still don't but I didn't have any energy to stay awake more or less argue about them putting needles in me. I heard a doctor come over to me and say. "Don't worry honey, you'll be ok...just sleep for now..." gently. Then I blacked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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