Awkward embrace

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Oh no. Oh no... Oh no! Saiko! How did he find you? And more importantly, why did you have to bump into him and create this awkward situation?!

S: Oh Y/N My love! I've finally found you again! You can finally be with your one true love...

He dramatically pauses as an emphasis.

S: Me!

You resist the urge to roll your eyes and stand there awkwardly while he blabbers on and on about nonsense. Who invited him? Who let him in this house?? You get up, as he obviously isnt gonna help.

S: I heard some nonsense about you holding hands with some loser named Tadano. Thats such a broke name! Hah, I bet his dad doesnt even earn six figures! What a loser!

You cross your arms and scowl at him. How dare he speak in such a way about your friend? How rude! You attempt to push past him, but you may as well be an ant against a brick wall, because he doesnt move an inch.

S: Anyway, I just wanted to see if you wanted to blow this joint and go on a date with me. Our first date as being boyfriend and girlfriend, can you believe it? I can! Of course you'd love me!

Sheesh, you havent even said a word since he got here. Or before he got here, for that matter.

Saiko takes your hand and leads you out to a limo. You havent even said yes! The nerve! Yet, his grip is steel and his stride is quick, so you have no choice but to go.

But suddenly.

You feel... electrified? As if some outside force is allowing you to pull from his grip, and walk away. Saiko stands there stunned, as if girls just willingly go wherever he takes them on the norm.

S: I... but... we're going on a date! You can't just decline with no notice!

How about not letting a girl know she's going on a date with no notice? You look up to a tree and see a quick flash of pink hair, before it disappears from your sight. Have you seen that before?


You look back at Saiko, and he's red in the face. Had he been lecturing you while you zoned out?

By now, some neighbors looked out their windows or sat on their porches to watch the catastrophe. And the barbaque that was going on halted to a stop as mostly everyone stopped to watch.


You start to tear up. One thing you can't take is somebody yelling at you for something that isnt your fault. Your throat burns and you vision clouds, and the yelling seems to ring in your ears as if the source was coming from your very brain.

But suddenly, you heard another voice yell.

It belonged to Nagimi.

And then you felt arms around you, you felt safer. You didn't know who they belonged to, but you were too relieved to care. Then you saw Komi put her arm in front of you protectively, staring him down. Then Tadano joined in, yelling at Saiko to go away. You saw Yamai with a steak knife behind her back, telling him to leave politely before things get messy. More people banded against Saiko, yelling at him to go away.

Saiko screamed that he would be getting his lawyer, and then slammed the door to his limo and had his chauffeur drive him away quickly.

It was silent for a bit, and then everyone, except for you and komi, erupted into laughter and chatter. Everyone else headed back inside, and you sighed, attempting to move. But something was stopping you. You remember someone wrapping their arms around you.

You look up and see Shosuke, who looks down at you with a blank expression.

You search in his eyes for nothing in particular, when your face heats up for no reason at all. Your expression turns a whole lot more awkward, and Shosuke raises his eyebrow.

He seems to realize he's holding you and he mirrors your awkward expression, still not letting you go.

YM/N: Okay, wrap it up lovebirds! I know you can't stand to not be wrapped up in eachother, but people could be watching! Have some decency mkay?

Your mother says jokingly. You and Shosuke unlatch immediately, and a familiar feeling lying in your stomach overwhelms you. You quickly walk into the backyard, leaving Shosuke. You feel your face cool a little.

But when Shosuke walks back into the yard and you make eye contact with him, the heat returns to your cheeks and you look away.

You spend the rest of the afternoon avoiding Shosuke anway you can. You even jumped behind a bush for christs sake. (He probably saw that one and backed off because you looked crazy)

When you were driving back home with your mom, she started asking details about Shosuke. How would you know?

You barely even talked.

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