Prologue-The Nightmare Girl

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((Edit-12/23/15: I might have added that song just to put you into the mood of the story XD I'm finally getting ready to post chapter one. I've been through a whole lot. I went through school, beginning of friendships, I lost a family member, sickness, family stuff, and most of all.... ... Writers block. BUT NOW I'M GOING TO POST CHAPTER ONE. YAAAAY ME :'D))

"Leave this house immediately!"  "You're not welcome here anymore!"

Mother... Father... Please don't leave me...

"Shoo! Get away from my store you monster!"  "What a freak! Stay away from my children!" "No, I won't spare you anything! Now get out of my restaurant!" "We should call the navy and have her executed!"

None of the adults will look at me... None of them will help me....

"Get out of here you weirdo!" "I-I'm sorry Yumeko-chan. My mom doesn't want us to talk or play with you anymore..." "... Is it true you're a bad person?"

All of my friends run away and throw rocks and sticks... I'm not a monster... I want to go back...!!  I never meant to eat that stupid fruit! I just wanted to grow up and be like a baker like my mom and dad!

    A small frail girl waddled toward the edge of the forest, looking at the beach.  "Is it true," She huffed, "That the people who eat those fruits sink like an anchor?" She lifted her dirty hand with dried up blood from the rocks that were tossed at her.  "Would it really be better... If I just sank myself into the bottom of the sea?" She muttered as she slowly limped over to the end of the beach, letting the waves almost touch her. She slowly slipped off her dirty tattered shoes. She set the shoes down and started to head into the water.

    Yumeko Alanna was a good girl. She was born to two once famous bakers who retired so they could get married, have children, and have a life as small town bakers. It was a simple life just the three of them. But one day, while Alanna was playing outside with her friends, playing hide and go seek, when she found something a group of navy men had carelessly dropped while heading into town. A small treasure box. Being the curious 6 year old she was, she opened it to find a lovely Devil Fruit inside. Since she was playing outside all day, and missed one of her snacks, she ate the funny fruit.

    Little did she know, she had eaten the Dream Dream Fruit: Model Wishes. Once her friends found her they discussed what they wanted.  Straight out of her kindhearted personality, she managed to make a robot, kite, and a pretty dress out of nowhere, leaving her friends in shock that she had done something by just embracing herself. They quickly ran off and opened their mouths to their parents. When the tiny lass came back a few hours later after exploring around, her parents kicked her out of the house.

    For the past three months and week, she hid in the forest, ever so often coming back into town to nab something to survive. But she didn't go into town for the last two weeks. She didn't want to upset anyone anymore. The town that feared a six year old child that could grant wishes. Where they out of their right minds? Who knows. Or, does somebody know?

    Alanna's tiny feet touched the cold watery waves. Goodbye everyone. She thought as tears rolled down her cheeks. I'm sorry for stealing. I'm sorry for scaring you. She jolted and turned back toward the forest as she heard screams coming from the village. Not just any old screams, like screams from her friends, playing. Screams of distress from EVERYONE. She shook her head and turned back toward the water. I'm not heading back! There's no point! They don't need me! What good am I?! She thought as she covered her ears. Only as she tried to continue to go into the water, the screams surpassed her covered ears. Something terrible was happening. Before I go... I have to help them with what I can do...! What's happening?! Where just two of the things going through her mind, drowning the thoughts of ending her life. Turning around quickly, the little girl dashed straight back into the forest. "Huh-HANG IN THERE!" She cried as she tried to run as fast as her weak and injured body could take her.

    Once she entered into the town, buildings were being engulfed by flames of fire. Everyone she knew. All of them lifeless. She dashed through, glancing around. What happened?! She shook people, checking for any signs of life. Then one of her friends grabbed her ankle.  "A-Alanna...?...! It is you!" She said coughing. "W-what happened?!" Alanna asked in shock. "P-pirates! They found out about you... You have to leave the island!" She said quickly. "Wu-what do you mean?!" Alanna asked, blinking. She crouched down. "What are you talking about?" She asked patting her. "We were foolish to flap our mouths about you! We were supposed to be quiet about you having the power for just a little while longer so you could come back... So you could hide your powers! ... You were supposed to return safely in two weeks...!" The girl broke out crying. "We're sorry for not telling you sooner!" Her friend then passed out from shock, leaving Alanna in a panic. What? She quickly got up and dashed for the bakery. Everyone was protecting her? Did they know she had found the fruit from navy men, and they had found out one of the towns people took it?

    The doors to the bakery where open. She dashed inside, her mother out cold, and her father slowly shaking her mother. Her father was in terrible condition, as was her mother. "M-m-m... MUMMY! Father!" She sputtered. Her father's glance whisked towards her. "Alanna!" He said in shock. "You must leave this island immediately!" He said crawling over to her, grabbing her shoulders. "One of kids spilled the beans about you on accident and now the navy is after you, upset! They still think you didn't eat the fruit yet... BUT GET OUT OF HERE." He handed two bags to her. One was filled with food, the other with money. "Get into daddy's boat and sail away! They're looking for you in the forest! If you leave you'll... be okay." He smiled and stroked her head.  "Don't trust anyone who says they know you. They're all strangers." He put out his pinkie and huffed. "Promise daddy." He said smiling. "But, daddy! I want to stay here!" She said as he moved his pinkie closer. "Promise me." He said. "I'll come find you again. I promise." He said wrapping his finger around her small finger as tears rolled down her face. "Daddy..." She said as he picked her up and started to dash off toward the harbor. He put her in the boat, covering her with a cloak. He quickly cut her long chestnut brown hair and sent the boat off. "Be safe. I love you." he said as her boat floated away. Alanna smiled through her tears. "I-I love you too daddy!" She said trying to keep a smile on her face.

    Confused and understanding, she rowed as fast as she could. She didn't know where to go, but she figured as far away as she could go from the island. She glanced back towards her father, who was out of view already. She guessed he had dashed off to go back to her mother. Alanna glanced back, continuing to row, going farther and farther into the dangerous ocean when she heard a loud gunshot. She didn't know why that gunshot happened, but she just continued rowing. Then she stopped as she got caught in a current. She pulled the oars in and started to cry. "They.... They're all dead because of me... I—" She screamed and cried. "I promise to be good! I'll live on for all of you! Just...  No more death! Don't die mommy! Don't die daddy!" She said sobbing bitterly, coughing and choking on her spit. "I'm sorry for eating it... I'll never eat something that isn't mine ever again!" She said sobbing more. "I'm sorry..." She laid down in the boat and cried till the moon raised and she could cry no longer. She couldn't eat or drink for the rest of the night due to so much shock. Of course, the next day she ate and drank very little. She didn't want to waist anything her father gave her. She made a promise, and she was going to keep it. To live on for the ones lost.

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