~Part 4~

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3rd Person Pov:

After going shopping,y/n ask kakucho to hide the gift she had bought,since she is not that good at hiding stuff,as y/n made her way to her and mikey's shared bedroom she laid down the bed sighing as she looked up the ceiling,it was surprisingly fun that it took them all day at shopping.they even went home when it was already 7pm,since they lost track of time.

As y/n looked to the side of her bed,she saw her love sleeping peacefully as she smiled softly and slowly ran her finger trough his white hair as she was mesmerized by him,but she was cut out of her trance once her phone received a notification,she gently stood up and went to the balcony as she opened the email folder and watched the video. 





Kokonoi Pov:
I was finally done doing my work and i finally located those Chi Tsuki scums,UGH it took all day,usually it was not that hard,well that just proves on how good they hide.i looked at my phone to see that the packaged i ordered was their,i went to the main entrance door and opened it as i gave the delivery guy the money and then closed the door,as i turned around holding the small box i almost screamed when y/n suddenly appeared in front of me as i quickly hid the box

"THE FUCK Y/N!?dont just go appearing out of no where jeez.."i said and grabbed my chest after breathing some air,hopefully he didnt see the box,i looked towards her and felt a murderous aura,as i saw the look on her face..it was..it was the look that i thought i would never see again..the look of a blood thirsty monster waiting to murder..

"Kokonoi.."y/n called out my name as i felt shiver ran down my spine"have you found the location yet..??"she ask me,she seem calm but i could tell she was pissed,i instantly nodded and went to my laptop as i opened it and showed him the info and security

"I see..its not that far from here as i thought.."i looked towards y/n as she stared at the laptop and as if she was memorizing the security and location,after some minutes she turned around and walked away"call sanzu and tell him to get ready..we will take back the Haitani's as soon as possible"she said to me as i nodded and instantly called sanzu's phone,telling him to get ready and that he should hurry..or else y/n might be the one to kill him.





3rd person pov:

As y/n was getting ready,she was wearing her assassin attire and was packing and reading all her weapons and tool's as she felt a hand wrap around her waist,she then looked back seeing mikey resting his chin on her shoulder

"did koko found the location y/n-chin..??"he ask as y/n nodded and slowly got out of the man's hug"i need to go now mikey..the brother's are in danger,i got a video..they fucking look beat up and a mess..if we dont hurry we might lose not one but two executives"y/n said as mikey clearly understood and nodded

"call for back up when needed ok?"mikey said as y/n looked at him and smiled"ok"y/n said and walked out of the room as they walked to the living room,sanzu was already ready as he was grinning widely"LETS GO KILL THIS BITCHES AND RESCUE THOSE  HOE-TANI BROTHERS!"sanzu said with a murderous chuckle

"Its haitani...not hoetani sanzu"y/n said and sighed as she looked at kokonoi and nodded her head signalling she was ready,as sanzu walked to the car to get it ready,as soon as y/n was about to walk out mikey grabbed her hand as she looked at him curiously,mikey stared at y/n for a moment before smiling"Be careful on your mission ok..??"mikey said with a soft worried smile as y/n smiled to re-sure him as she patted his head  

"dont worry..i will be back"y/n said before she kissed mikey's forehead and left.


Meanwhile at xxxx building

Ran and Rindou was tied up in a chair with bruised face and blooded suits with messy hair,rindou huffed in annoyance as he tried to untie himself while he clicked his tongue"THIS SUCKS!WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY!?"rindou yelled in anger as ran sighed and tried to calm his little brothe rdown

"Calm down rin..they are arriving soon..im sure after they send those videos of us getting beaten up y/n will fucking kill each and every one of them"Ran said and chuckled as rindou groaned

"fuck yah she will,remember the time Kakucho went home from a mission with just a simple scratch?HECK she beat those people that were involve into pulp"rindou said with a dry chuckle.

~IN ANOTHER LIFE~BONTEN MIKEY X BONTEN Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now