Chapter 3 - Karlie

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By the time the hotel room was situated, Karlie had a full stomach of food and enough beer to calm her nerves. Then, she received the phone call that her father was out of surgery and everything was going well.

Although, there wasn't enough beer to help prepare her for this. There wasn't enough of anything that could help get her ready. But something deep in her bones told her she needed to be there.

Karlie walked down the fluorescent-lit corridor back to the hospital room, her sandals echoed as she slowly made her way. She set down her backpack on the floor next to what looked like the least comfortable recliner ever and turned to look at the bed.

Her heart pounded as she looked to the man lying there. She hadn't seen him in so long, he looked like a stranger sleeping.

The room was quiet except for the heart monitor as it beeped to the rhythm of his heart, reminding her that he was still alive, but his heavy breathing alone could have told her that much. He was so pale and still, which was so unlike how she remembered him.

The emotions that ran through her were immense and hard to read. It was a strange sensation to see someone that once used to be your idol, that turned into the villain of your story, now lay motionless and powerless on a hospital bed. The reminder of how fragile life was, rung through her mind. Could she let go of everything, knowing how short life truly was?

Rather than wake him, she sat on the chair, which, just as she predicted, was not comfortable at all.

There were a few emails from work that she needed to get to. A couple projects she had to manage, because when she had gotten the call about her dad's heart attack, she hadn't even had a chance to glance over them before she was buying a one-way flight back home. 

Karlie figured the silence was a good enough time to catch up on what she had left off. She replied to a few emails and then opened a design program, folded the tablet back so she could start the outlines of her new project, relieved to be doing something.

Designing concept art for their upcoming video game was the perfect escape. It was something she could control, something she was good at.

She was so engrossed with her new concept that she hadn't heard anyone walk into the room. Standing beside the bed, a figure in scrubs was checking his IV, their back to her, before the woman began clicking on a small keyboard.

"Oh, shit!" Karlie gasped at the sudden intrusion. Her stylus flew in the air. "I didn't hear you come in." The tablet's pen smacked the floor with a small click.

The doctor bent down to grab the stylus that had ended up at her feet. Karlie couldn't help but stare. The woman was gorgeous. The scrubs she wore did little to hide the curve of the woman's hips and strong thighs. And when she bent down, the v neck of her top showed enough that left Karlie choking on saliva that had gotten caught in the back of her throat.

"Here you go." the doctor said, handing the stylus to her.

"I, uh... thanks" Karlie stammered. "I didn't know that stealth was a course they taught when you become a doctor." She joked.

The woman laughed behind the screen on the rolling contraption in front of her, still not peeking her head around.

Had she really rolled that whole thing into the room without a sound? Whoever designed the wheels deserved some type of award for their expert craftmanship.

"I'm not a doctor, just a surgical nurse. The doctor was in here earlier. I'm just checking on his vitals before I head out." She finished typing before taking a small step away from the screen. "And stealth wasn't taught. It's a talent you learn on the job. Only those that are skilled enough, pass the test." She joked before looking at Karlie.

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