Chapter 3 Night in the tavern

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One winter night it was too cold to sleep outside that I just rented a room at an inn. that night at the inn everything changed. I was seated in the corner of the common room away from the fireplace and the bar but had a perfect view of both. by the fireplace, a bard in a wheelchair was playing music as Two officers from the court came in. One with sword already drawn the other with a loaded crossbow. Immediately a fight broke out the bartender jumped out from behind the bar and fought the agent with the sword. Two men who were playing poker stopped their game and attacked the man with the crossbow. The crossbow went off and hit one of the men in his shoulder, but the bow never reloaded. After knocking out the agent, one of the poker players went to help the other with his wound caused by the crossbow.

I hadn't even realized it, but all the thrills had me standing up. The sword of the agent fell to the ground right in front of me. I picked it up and without thinking I knocked out the agent with the handle of the sword. I gave the sword to the bartender and went to look at the poker player's wound. finally, I could help for once and show what I can do. I put numbing herbs on the wound and told the man that we should wait a while until the herbs had done their thing then we could take the arrow out and put bandage on it with honey.

In the corner of my eye, I saw a boy about my age slip away through a passageway behind a closet. I was too busy with the wound to really pay attention to it. And completely forgot about the boy until I suddenly saw him standing next to me while I was busy bandaging the wound. I heard a heavy intimidated voice "you beat up that agent?". I explained my side of the story in a trembling voice and excused in case fighting with the agents would cause trouble for the inn. The man did not want to hear the apologies according to him I had saved the inn and the underground. Apparently, this man was one of the most important people in the black economy. he asked what else I could do. And if I wanted to work for him. After all this time searching for a job, one was offered like this. Of course, I said yes. The man commanded the boy of my age to show me the training grounds and prepare me for the tests.

The boy who introduced himself by the name of Hunter took me behind the bookcase where we went down a flight of stairs into a tunnel system. After many turns and intersections, we headed back up to the surface. We found ourselves in a building which was square with a big central courtyard. In this courtyard people were fighting. Hunter said they were training and asked me if I was a good fighter. My druid father always said that I was bad at fighting and that I would never make it if I had fight to save myself. Soon I noticed he was wrong. Hunter assigned me a bed and said he would give me a tour the next morning. 

The story of a boy named Morthus, or is it Armin?Where stories live. Discover now