After a while I was just sitting on my bed, staring at the ceiling. All of the sudden, the door opened and someone walked in.
"Hey Elena! Can I borrow your- oh hi."
There was a boy with fringed, brown hair standing in the doorway. He was wearing red skinny jeans, a blue and white striped shirt, and red suspenders. He was staring at me like I had two heads, or something.
"Hi?" I said with question in my voice.
"I'm Louis. Elena's wonderful, attractive, crazy awe-"
"He's my best friend," Elena said laughing.
"Your wonderful, attractive, crazy awesome best friend." Louis said sassily to her.
"Yeah, right."
"You know it's true."
"You know you're lying!"
"You know-"
"You know I'm still here, right?" I asked.
"Oh, yeah...I knew that." Louis replied sheepishly.
Elena looked at the clock that was sitting on the table next to her bed.
"Guys? It's almost lunchtime, and I don't know about you, but I'm hungry." Elena informed us. As if on cue, my stomach growled. Louis chuckled and all three of us headed out the door. Well, they headed out the door and I followed because I had no idea where I was going.
We walked in silence for a bit, but then Louis slowed a little to walk with me.
"So, I never caught your name," he told me with a smile on his face.
"Oh? Well, it's Chelsea." I told him.
"What're you in for?" He asked.
"You make this sound like it's a prison." I said.
"Well it sort-of is, you have to admit." He stated plainly.
"Yeah, I guess so. Anyways I'm in here because my parents think I'm depressed." I told him.
"Your parents? You don't think you are?"
"I don't know. I was always looked down on, cuz I wasn't very good in school. I have dyslexia and ADD so I never got good grades or anything. And to top it off, I have a perfect older brother to be compared to. I guess being called names and being ignored eventually and having teachers hate me eventually led to this."
I lifted up my long sleeves and exposed my cut wrists. Louis gasped at the sight of them.
"Wha-why?" He asked, shell-shocked. I shrugged.
"At the time, it was the only thing that made me feel good."
"Can we stop talking about me?" I interrupted him. "What are you in for?"
"Oh. I have multiple-personality disorder. Parents didn't want to deal with me,so they sent me here." He said like it was the most normal thing in the world.
"Multiple-personality disorder?" I questioned.
"Oh. Most of the time I'm Louis, fun-loving and loud-"
"Like he is now," Elena interrupted from in front of us.
"Yes, like I am now. But, sometimes when I get startled or sad I turn into Lou. He's quiet and reserved. I don't remember what happens when I turn into Lou. It kinda sucks." He informed me.
"So, it just happens? All of the sudden?" I asked, still confused.
"Yeah. It used to happen at random, till my parents took me to a doctor thinking I was bipolar. Turns out I've been like this since I was born." He shrugged his shoulders.
We rounded a corner and were met by a pair of double doors. Elena opened them and I was greeted by the sound of many voices.
The cafeteria was a big room with lots of tables scattered throughout it. There were only a few empty tables and I was ready to head to one of those after I got my lunch, but Elena and Louis steered me to a table already filled with people (actually they were all guys..).
"Guys, this is Chelsea. She's my new roommate." Elena told them, sitting down next to a guy with blonde hair. I sat down next to her and Louis sat next to me. At the table there was also a curly haired boy, a boy with a black quiff, a boy with a buzz cut, a light brown fringed haired boy, and a boy with bright red hair. They were all normal sized (medium height and medium build.) except for the boy with curly hair. He was deathly skinny.
"Hi. I'm Ed. It's nice to meet you," the boy with bright red hair said, extending his hand for a handshake. After Ed's greeting, everyone else introduced themselves. I learned the blonde boy next to Elena was named Niall, the black haired boy was Zayn, the boy with the buzz cut was Liam, and the boy with the light brown fringe was Ashton. The curly haired boy didn't say a word. He just looked at me, and then at his food, then at me again.
"I'm Harry." He said after about a minute.
Everyone's mouth dropped open in a surprised expression.
Hey, lovess!
It's my birthday in less then 2 hours! AHH! I opened some of my presents already and guess what I got!
Well, he's a happy napper (you know, those cute things on TV with the annoying theme song?) and I named him Pengoo.
I also got the Colton Dixon CD!! WOO HOO!!!
I'm hyper......I had pie :)
Love you all!