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"In the world of magic, those who believe hold the power. If you do so, anything you want can be yours. Anything you wish for can be yours. I can help you achieve whatever you desire all I need is your permission"

Her voice's smooth and silky. Like a soft hand caressing your ears. Like a spell put on you to lure you in.

"So what will it be?"

Her hands are on your shoulders, gently stroking them to ease your fears. And you feel just one more step and she has you in her trap. Her words feel like venom, ready to take control of your body and make you obey. You shouldn't, but you listen

"Do you accept?"

Now she is in front of you, her hand reaching out for you to grab. Her eyes are glowing in the dim light. A dangerous green. She's looking down at you as if you are her prey. And you feel yourself shiver under her gaze.

Still, you find yourself considering the offer. It's too sweet to completely ignore. To not even play with the idea, even if just for a bit. Maybe even intriguing enough to dismiss the darkness that lingers in the room.

'Whatever I want, I can get?' you wonder 'So easily?'

It feels like a trap. And something in you whispers it is and you should move.

Still, you stay seated. Eyeing her hand, debating whether to grab it and take it, or run before it's too late.

'Anything I want?'

She sounded convincing you can't deny that. And the more you think of it the more you feel she can give you the world. All you need to say 'yes'.

'Anything I want' you whisper in your mind 'Anything'

It is too tempting not to say yes and so you reach out your hand and shake on it.

"Very well." Her voice is dangerously low "But don't forget all wishes come with a cost."

She is smiling, her sharp teeth shine in the candlelight. Her nails sharpen like a cat's that's ready to attack.

It is now you realise how much of a mistake you made. How blinded you were by the offer. It is now you realise you might just made a pact with the devil. But it is too late to say no now. Too late to escape.

You close your eyes in fear, preparing yourself to be swallowed.

Instead, there is silence.

Minutes pass and you open your eyes.

She is now sitting on the cushion she was originally positioned in. The mask of innocence fell on her face.

"What cost?" You ask, terrified to know the answer.

"You will see, when the time comes." her voice is like honey, her pasture welcoming, her face of one's with kindness. But you can't brush off the feeling that it is fake. "But I can tell it will be quite amusing" A slight chuckle, and you feel yourself shiver at the words.


"Thank you, everyone"

Bojan shouted into the microphone, which he held tightly. His other arm was placed around Jan's waist who was standing next to him. On his other side stood Jure, his hand resting on Bojan's shoulder. Bojan was basically sandwiched between the two boys. Well 4, if we are counting the two last members on each side of the previous two.

"And see you next year"

and as one they bowed to their audience. Showing the utmost respect they felt towards their fans. It was thanks to them they were invited to this festival for the 3rd time in a row. With each time the number of people interested in them grew, more and more people sang their songs along with them. The very thing every artist dreams of. To be recognised, to be seen, your songs spread across the world for everyone to enjoy. And when the time comes, when you perform them, become one with the audience. Sing as one. Breathe as one. A truly magnificent experience. And with each year, their concerts were closer to that truly heavenly experience. To true catharsis. Still, even if they weren't exactly like how it was written in the book of perfection, they felt cathartic after every performance. Their hearts showered in the love of their fans. A smile was placed on their face that didn't leave for minutes. A bubbling happiness, similar to the one a teenage girl feels when they see their crush.

The Wish Of The Heart (Joker Out ships, Bojan X Käärijä)Where stories live. Discover now