special retrieval

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this will take part after chapter 46:operation stonewall

Austin P.O.V

as i am going to the BattleTech universe i start to question 

Austin: who should i pick up for police and a cook for my cultural exchange to finally get menagerie and to be brought into the rest of the world's issue then to be messed with by corruption and a threat by Adam attempt to rise above and try to reek havoc for "equality or control" or terrorism hmmm alex murphy could be good but the director of Detroit might have abstain to it dredd could be useful but mega cities law's could prove to bring more struggles then progress palenites might be good or  b1 and atlesian knight it but i have yet to check due to focusing on trying to figure out where to go with move and rearranging the student's from the teens to adults and getting those parties where they want to be while working on building and rebuilding with the rest of the kingdom and Glynda with what was left after the "fall" plus that would also need to increases security due to us having ai unit's they could be hack and or controlled if people try to look deep and have the skills to reverse or worse they just fallow someone with high enough control status that they could overthrow everything and conquer the town with their new found army witch could cause us to have a rebellion that could  make what we been doing all for naught damn it i did say ill try but the fact he'll hold it against me is infuriating and if he talks to ironwood who knows what cans of worms ill have thrown at me maybe garrus could help will ask when i can for now i need to also figure out if Tonio would mind being head chief for when i go to menagerie and if he does not i need a replacement if i knew where  no wait that chief is like brock  they both are trying to get with girl's granted they can be mature when they want to but still risk and the fact i have no clues on their dimension makes it impossible plus time constraints damn it i can't trust my self cooking and knowing Blake she would be at high alert after that fish fire  maybe a droid cook but the fact Adam could destroy it or worse replace it its too risky well i guess i just Gotta hope Tonio willing to help if not i hope i can find a cook if not well I'm gonna hope we got means of history or something they might want to know and to see if they will cooperate with us in a mutual diplomacy and hope fully  sienna  will be not just kicking but see we could make a advancements in human and Faunus relationship's but for now where are we from that universe to battletech *i look at the map and notice it's* almost the distance between alderaan and coruscant damn and with no hyper space lane limit/route's just as if it was a straight away but travel time is like the warp but more viable to be less dangerous to travel through but more dangerous leaving seeing as i got to rwby due to me hitting that fucking plot button with a goddamn flapjack/pancake and crashing and damaging it for what the 5 or 50th time *I face palm myself* why must flying be a task i still yet to grasp fully if worse even do granted i can go really fast but every time i dimension hop and it's near a planetoid sometimes *I hear me exiting and seeing I'm 15,000  feet above the surface* this crap again *I jerk to level the nighthawk to level it out and keep it above the 1,100 feet as i do I take a massive exhale* way to close again hopefully now i can just figure out where t-

 ???: attention you are in restricted aerospace disperse or get fired apon

Austin: great welp im gonna pull the smart man move  *I get the craft to ascend and float in the orbit of the planet* ok now time to figure out where in the sector of the this whole universe am i in and try to triangulate azee's planet granted i could have just try to talk wai- *i look at my communication devise and notice the mic s sparking* wait how hmm what if i *pull's a fork out and slo-

Timeskip 3rd P.O.V 

???: this is mobile salvage team 725 we are 10 meters from the strange read out's the local governments call out for we have scans and info but nothing 100% just that it's close to an areospace fighter however it's picking up it as a wasp 

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