02- Come Together

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Dominik’s eyes slowly fluttered open surprised by a weight on his chest. Looking down he couldn’t help but smile as he found Rhea and the dogs in his bed.

When did they get here?


Don’t know, don't care I wanna snuggle.


I have to pee.




Rhea’s eyes snapped open and the dogs heads shot up as he jumped out of bed and raced to the bathroom pushing his boxers down along the way. He took a seat then released himself with a sigh. She couldn’t help but laugh as she sat up and stretched.

“Had to go papi?”

“Yeah but I wanted to cuddle with you and the puppies.” He sighed.

She laid back down as did Kanga and Scrappy.

“What time are your parents coming?”

Reaching over she grabbed her phone and looked at the clock.

“Their plane lands at twelve, which gives us time to stop by Babies "R" Us and pick up some stuff. Matty text me a list last night…….would you mind putting the furniture together with my dad? Mum and the girls wanna go dress shopping today.”

“Define the girls?”

“Indi, Raq, Sonya, Mandy, Liv, Naomi, Sasha, Natalya, Nikki, Bayley, Nia, and Alexa.”


“Also Finn, Damian, and Matt have taken it upon themselves to be our wedding planners. They know our deadline but they want it to be special for us.”

“Cool. Just let them know the color scheme has to be purple and black.”

“Why purple and black?

“Those are…… the only colors I……know everyone in my family h-……..has. it makes it…….convenient for them so more people will co-……..come.”

Hearing the strain in his voice gave her pause.

“I thought you said you had to pee?”

“Never know………..”

There was a splash then a sigh before the toilet flushed. She could hear the ripping of toilet paper, the snap of the flushable wet wipes lid, and another flush. Dominik took his time washing his hands before exiting the bathroom and flopped down on the bed causing the dogs to look up. Rhea kissed him passionately but he pulled away before things could get too heated. Grabbing his cell phone he got up and left the room Rhea not far behind. Sitting down at the table she watched him turn the oven on and set it to bake at 350°.

Shivers (Rhea Ripley X Dominik Mysterio) Book 03Where stories live. Discover now