Chapter 17

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(y/n PoV)

The next few days went relatively uneventful. I fell into a sort of routine for when I would go to sleep and wake up then get ready, vibe for a bit, head to work, just exist in the same room as Moondrop because it seemed like he didn't want to talk to me that much, but occasionally he would come over and chat for a bit before disappearing on top of a structure or way above.  The bruise on my neck is going away nicely, it's only a yellow now. I've been rotating between the bandana and a scarf I have for the winter. Thankfully it's the fall so it's not too suspicious to make the other animatronics question the clothing. Roxanne teased me about not having a taste in fashion the couple of times I ran into. Chica seemed supportive of it though. They were usually together when I would run into them.

I was getting ready for my shift when I heard a ding from my fazwatch. I slipped on the shirt I was putting on and then looked at the reason for the ding. It was a message from Emmaline asking if I had any ideas for the new models since I've been spending time with them. I thought for a moment thinking back to my interactions with both of them and their personalities. I tried to imagine those personalities then as if I had never seen what they looked like. I shot some of the less complicated details back to Emmaline like Sun having a heavier set looking model and that Moon would have a more gymnast looking one. I also suggested on giving them the option to toggle their pupils since I noticed Sun's is always off and Moon's is always on. I think Moon would enjoy being able to scare the life out of people with that feature. Another suggestion was to allow them to have multiple outfits in case one got stained or they wanted to mix it up a bit. Though they could do that one with their current model. Emmaline shot me back an okay and said she would run the ideas by corporate and the engineers and then by the animatronic itself.

I continued getting ready for my shift, going with the scarf today to potentially seem more fashionable. I also added a jacket over my work hoodie. Trying to work those layers. Hopefully. I slipped my sneakers on, made sure I had everything I needed, double checked my brace was on right and that my fazwatch was on my opposing wrist, and then headed out the door to my car. I hope they like the ideas I gave. They aren't really anything to big outside of Sun's whole model shape changing. I feel that will allow for more body positivity if they have diverse body types amongst the animatronics. I got in my car, got everything situated, and headed to the plex. I've been texting Forest every now and then to stay caught up on how the plex's been doing during the day since I'm there in one small area in the dead of night. He let me know that the song with the bass solo is almost finished and that Roxy is working to pitch a new idea to Freddy. I arrived at the plex and parked. I got out of my car, made sure everything I needed was in my pockets before I locked the car and headed inside. I went in an employee entrance and started to head to the daycare. I heard bells like I did the first day this cycle started which I've since connected to be Moondrop following me.

"Hey, Moon," I greeted, expecting to be met with silence like I usually am.

Which wasn't wrong. I was met with silence, just instead of usual I had an upside down Moon faceplate appear in front of my face. I let out a startled yelp and my body stopped before my feet could catch up with what was happening causing me to fall onto my ass. Moon let out his low, scratchy laugh and disappeared back to the void he loves so much.

"That wasn't very nice," I called up to him. I got up and sighed, resuming my walk to the daycare which went uneventful the rest of the way. I went into the daycare and settled myself into the spot I've been sitting the past couple days against a play structure. Got to have that good old back support if I'm not really doing anything for hours on end.

"So what's the vibe for today Moon? Gonna try and scare me every now and then, watch from a distance, or come chat for a bit before doing your own thing?" I asked the darkness surrounding me. I glanced up at the stars on the ceiling that occasionally showed Moon's silhouette as he moved about.  At the few moments of silence I came to the conclusion that it was going to be watch from a distance or at least for right now. I sighed and looked back down and pulled my phone out. I opened it and decided to scroll through social media for now. I could see a soft glow coming from my side after scrolling through a few posts and turned to see Moon sitting beside me staring at the phone in my hand. I moved it so it was easier for him to look at and continued to scroll through the different posts on my feed. Most being art of fandoms I'm in or comedy skits. We do this for a bit before I get bored and switch to watching Youtube videos.

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