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     I took a breath once I went inside. I was walking with Deuce and Ace inside the school. Deuce and Ace were my only friends so far. Had to same them from being busted by their dorm leader. I look at my phone. I closed my eyes. This campus is so huge, I thought. I yawned.

     "Deuce when are we getting there..." I asked him. "Yeah juice, the campus is so damn huge" Ace continues with his whining. "For the last time, pronounce my name right... De-OSE, DEUCE!" Deuce exclaims. "De.. Ah?" Ace tries to repeat as Deuce smacks himself in his forehead. I sigh. We look up to the main building. "There's our classes..." I mumble. They both stop arguing and look at the school in awe and shock. "How we gonna get to from PE to upstairs" Deuce looks at his schedule then back at the building. "Sucks to be you, I have PE early in the morning. When it's nice and fresh, and I get a thirty minute break before my first class starts!" I start to brag. "Lucky. I got rejected on that spot" Ace says. I close my eyes again. "We will have to move our stuff in our dorms the next morning" I remind them. "Oh, Yes our dormitories!" Deuce says.

We soon wait for the ceremony to start. I cautiously figit with my hands. I took a breath. Crowley informed me earlier that I'm only here just for experimental purposes, "if females can actually attend Night Raven Collage without problem." I dim my eyes as I think about that thought. I'm being used for experimental purposes. What can possibly go wrong?

"Y/N L/N!" The mirror says. I stand up and arrive at the stage. Many others look at me. I felt as if all eyes were on me now. With others clapping the mirror examines me before the actual saying. "Y/N L/N, your has been assigned too.." I gulped. "You don't have a dorm..." many gasps and whispers were now to be heard. Teachers were discussing if this was a mistake. "R-read hers again mirror!" Crowley, the headmaster said to the mirror, "read hers again!" I saw Ace and Deuce within the crowd. They were shocked as I am.

With the mic close to Crowley's face, he clears his throat, grabbing everyone's attention. "Ahem" the room was now silent, with the other teachers with concerned expression, the expression that makes me uncomfortable. "Now" the mirror said loudly as I took a breath to calm my senses.

The mirror says as what he needs to say. "Y/N L/N" he explains the whole ceremony. I stood quietly on stage to listen, once again. With my thoughts circling me, I start to think. Why am I here at Night Raven. If this keeps up, I'll have to attend the RSA, Royal Swords Academy. I gulped once again. Am I really meant to go to Night Raven? I got expelled from my last school. Everybody's final hope that I could go to school in here. If not, then I'll have to leave... again.

"Y/N L/N" The mirror says my full name, as I snap out of my world. "The dorm that your soul belongs to..." I felt my heart pounding in fear. Am I right in this school? Am I going to get a dorm? Am I going to stay here? Or am I meant for the RSA, the school of heroes? "Heartslabyul!" I heard some people sigh our of relief, as well with clapping. I look over to see Ace and Deuce cheering. With ace whistling his guts out, and Deuce shouting with glee. I ran down to hug the both of them. "I guess your in our dorm now" Deuce says. "More chaos Juice!" Ace says. "my name isn't juice ace!" Ace starts to giggle. "Okay deucey" deuce gets even more frustrated. "We are in the middle of the ceremony, I soon tap Dueces on the shoulder. "Hey chill out, ace is testing you on how far you'll go" I whisper.

Soon some weird cat looking like figure returns to the stage. "I will be the best mage in this entire school" and starts blowing out fire. That horrified many of the students, most of them being first years. "Catch that cat!" Some second year shouted as he and another second year. They chased the cat around. I was hopeless to watch. I got out of my seat and rushed after those two, with the flaming fire exploring the place.

I panted as I felt the hot weather take effect as I felt my body burning. I hid over in a place where those two second years couldn't see me. "I will be a great mage!" The cat kept on saying. The cat started to run again towards my direction. As the magic on their wands began to hit the cat. I watch in amazement as my seniors handle the problem. The cat was in bad condition due to the force of the magic. "Let me finish him off" the red haired says as he points his wand. "No!" I threw myself in, snatched the cat and rolled over to the opposite direction, once the magic was let out.

    I felt my self gasping for air, I want gasping for air. I held the fire breathing animal in my hands. The animal was passed out. I only heard my own breath, and my own heartbeat. The cat was covered with bruises and cuts. Magic must've hurt so much, once it was used against your opponent. I hug the cat tighter as I was nearly laying on the dusty ground. "Wha- what are you doing?!" the red haired said angrily, "stay out of this!" He raised his wand, as I try to stand up.

    "I'll try to contain it! I'll try to contain that!" I shouted through the dust, "I'll contain it!" The silvered haired boy looked at the red haired. The boy had a face of relief, while the other had a face of doubt. "I suppose that this... human, can contain a creature like this?" The red haired said. I sigh of relief, looking at the inquired creature in my arms. This cat is now... safe. The red haired sighed and looked at me. "Fine, you can keep the cat. Of the creature goes an a rampage, all actions would be taken on you" The red haired said. I don't move but I listen. I nod and go back to the ceremony. The ceremony was continued outside in the shade, as we brought the mirror, to continue the ceremony as normal.

After the ceremony however was when we returned to our designated dorms. I was walking with Ace and Deuce talking about their goals. Ace had no goal whatsoever. Deuce had a lot of goals. I was walking in heartslabyul with Grim, the creature's name in my hands. "I still wonder how you were able to tame the cat" Grim woke up and shouted, "I'm not a cat!" I sighed. "I have my ways"

    We walked in and we saw our housewarden. I look In shock as that was the person that almost tried to kill Grim.

   "Good morning freshman, I am the housewarden here at this dormitory, Riddle Rosehearts. Defy any rules and it's off with your head..."

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