(REQUESTED) showing kindness

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Requested by Reinaskyblue

You were trying to look for a job so you can earn money. None of the jobs accepted your application or called you in for the interview. You were about to give up when the cowboy cheese walked up to you.

Vigilante: hello there. I've been looking for some help around the farm. You up for a little work?
You: what kind of work?
Vigilante: farm work. I can pay you a fair salary and give you any vacation time offs.
You: what kind of work?
Vigilante:  Well, nothing too hard. Gotta keep our animals well cared-for, of course. Could you feed the chickens? I could really use some help with that. Oh, there's this ol' barn near the shed. Could you give it a good cleaning out for me? And make sure to get around the corners, there's a real nasty spider nest in there. I've been meaning to get to it, but it's just so dusty and creepy in there that I been procrastinating. What do you say?
You: I'm in.
Vigilante: by the way, what's your name?
You: I'm y/n.
Vigilante: I'm the Vigilante.  It's nice to meet you.

Vigilante gave you the tour of the entire farm and showed you the animals. You felt disgusted at how smelly the farm is.

Vigilante:  don't worry, y/n. You'll get used to the smelly smell the longer you work here.

You are fully trained on feeding the animals, bathing them, and tending to the fields and gardens. You had started getting used to the gardening part cuz you had helped your mom tend to her vegetable garden.

One night, you were done with your first day of the job and became tired.

Vigilante: say, y/n. How about you sleep here for the night? You look tired.
You: thnx, vigilante. You're so kind
Vigilante:  *blushed slightly* umm no problem, sir/ma'am.

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