Chapter 1

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Maka POV:
I need to find this school whats it called again......oh DWMA thats it and I have to find a partner as soon as I get there so I dont get as much attention.

Hi im Maka Albarn im 14 with ashy blonde hair and emerald green eyes,i have fare skin,im about 5'1' and I have somewhat of a chest and I've been running from my past since I was 7 years old...and my past is classified so u can not know.

"Now where is Death City"? I asked myself.

"Are u looking for Death City miss" Stranger asked.

"Yes I am sir can u direct me there" I asked

"Yes I can im Hero and ur name is " Hero said

"I'm Maka nice to meet u Hero" I said smiling

"No problem now lets get goiNG" Her said now having a gun to his head.

"Alright give me all ur money and nobody gets hurt"

"Oh ur going to hurt me thats funny" I said giggling.

"whats so funny"he asked

"Whats funny is ur 'gun' in ur hand thats in the grocery bag...if u want to see a gun look at this one" I said pulling out a 3.57 out of my purse. And I pointed toward him my finger on the trigger.

"Ok now u give me all ur money that u stole NOW" I demanded"oh and release Hero here NOW before things get bloody" I said with a long smile on my face. He automatically gave me all $250 out of his pocket that he stole I took the money and he let go of Hero with his hands up

" Now what should I do with u hu if I let u go u will just rob more people" I said holding my finger closer to the trigger ready to blow he's brains out and'if I do ill just call someone I know to clean up the mess..' I thought  with a crazed face.

"Maka just let him go" Hero said

"If I do he will just do this to other people but if u say so what ever" I shot a warning shot and the crook ran away. I started to laugh and put away my gun.

"Ok lets go show me the way" I said

"What about the money" he asked

"I'm keeping it" I said

"Ummm ok" he said and started guiding me to Death City. I pulled out my phone and put on Monster by Skillet and I smiled.

Ok thats chapter 1 and thats the gun in the photo pretty cool hu. Haha any way the next chapter is Souls POV so get ready.

~whatuppeps out

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