C4: An Unforgettable Lesson

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Harry awoke suddenly at some point in the night, inhaling sharply as he realised that he was... Wet. Harry sat up quickly, body shaking in mortification. Had he wet the bed? He hadn't done so in years! A strange dripping sound caught his attention and as Harry's eyes adjusted to the near total darkness, he realised his curtains were pulled around his four-poster bed. Harry didn't recall drawing the curtains before going to bed and he frowned in confusion.

Harry held out his hand and wished for light, as he oft did in the cupboard under the stairs. A small glowing ball erupted on his palm and Harry froze in horror.

Over his stomach, from the top beams of the four-poster bed, hung little Bastet. Her eyes were perched open glassily and throat slashed. Her soft white fur was stained a startling red, a horrible burst of colour against her soft downy fur. Blood oozed from the jagged wound, cold, and dripped on Harry's lap.

Harry gazed ahead in mind-numbing horror, staring blankly as the creature spun slightly in the light draft of the room. Every muscle in Harry's body ached as if cramped, his mind emptying of all thought and heart suddenly hollow. After a few moments of staring emptily, Harry slowly rose to his knees and lifted his hands. The ball of light stuck to his palm and guided his shaking hands as he untied the thick knot on the creature's neck.

Harry felt the stiff, light weight of the kitten drop into his hands and he nearly vomited. Harry kept still as he tried to think what to do. In his haze, Harry realised that it was important to bury something when it died. He didn't know why, but a funeral seemed necessary. Required. His mind shuttered and scrambled, thinking of where to go.

Harry slowly peaked open the canopy of his four-poster bed, extinguishing the ball of light as he did so. His eyes once more adjusted to the darkness and he saw that the other five beds in the room had their curtains closed, like his. Light breathing filled the room and Harry wished Very Hard that everyone would be deeply asleep. After a few moments, the breathing became heavier and Harry felt sure that he wouldn't be disturbed. Harry was filled with a sudden overwhelming urge to punish his roommates, to pull them from their beds and force Bastet's end upon them. To make them suffer as she suffered. Harry closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, feeling the horrible darkness filling his soul blacken his insides like a tree burnt out from an internal fire.

After Harry fought down his rage, he pulled his robe over his night clothes and shuddered at the feeling of blood dripping down his legs as he stood. Harry snuck out of the dorm room, quietly whispering down the hall on bare feet. He passed through the Common Rooms portal, trying to remember the password to get back in but his mind was too scattered and diced to concentrate.

Harry wandered around for nearly half an hour, going up stairs and across landings as he searched for an exit. The little kitten was nearly completely hard in his hands and Harry wished more than anything that he could find the outdoors, wishing desperately to put down Bastet.

Harry's feet lead him to a large set of oak doors and Harry pulled on the handle. His fingers slipped as the drying blood on his hands made it difficult to grasp the handle, but Harry persisted and the door finally creaked open. Harry looked out at a large, grassy field and the moon shone down brightly, casting the scene with eerie light and strange two dimensional shadows. Harry trotted down the steps, barely registering his cold feet as they slipped through the cold, dewy grass. He quickly walked to the edge of a large forest, wondering distantly if this was the Forbidden Forest the Headmaster had spoken of earlier that night.

Harry stopped as soon as he came across a line of trees. He fell to his knees, body numb from chill and horror, and placed the kitten down softly. Harry turned to the hard dirt and beginning to dig with his hands. Harry didn't take notice as little stones cut into his hands as he ripped out dirt and roots with mindless obsession.

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