Journal #1: Nerilia

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Aaron, I'm so happy that the sights that I have seen and what I had to go through to get to the point where I am now is over. Now but not sure about forever. I don't know if I can take any more of this. Everything up till now as been scary, confusing, close-to-death situations- most of them were me- and nonexciting. Well, maybe about a fourth of it was but the rest? Not so much.

My life is not the same when I left Giyter or Htera. I mean, I'm not even sure I'm Naomi Radnor, sky-pirate captain of the Golden Revenge anymore. But there are more questions than that, like how did it happen? Why was I chosen to do what I was destined to do? Why did I have to run into some strange guy who says, "Hey, Naomi, your life is about to change where you can never go back". Tsh, yeah right. It's still strange to know that my world just got a whole lot bigger.

My crew and I had finally arrived and landed in the city of Giyter, where I have made it my home for the past six years. I was super excited to see Princess Charlotte, ruler of Htera, after so long since we grew up and went down our separate paths. But apparently, I never saw her after what happened.

I decided to make a week visit to the city, to spend time with the Griffers, the family that took care of me after my parents dumped you and me at the airstrip. You're probably wondering why a pirate like me wanted to see her family after so long in the sky. Just so you know, pirates have families too, even if they're not your real one.

Anyway, I lowered the anchor on the starboard bow and cut the engines. The sound of the ship suddenly began dead quiet and dead still as I made my way to meet with my crew on the main deck.

There weren't as many men and there weren't so much but it was a perfect size to manage the Golden Revenge. I stood at the center with my legs apart, about parallel to my shoulders and my hands on my hips, waiting for them to quiet down. Some of them noticed me and they elbowed their mates who weren't so they could pay attention. Pretty soon, I heard footsteps coming from the back of the ship and I knew who they belonged to. Aaron Firth, my first mate and my best guy friend.

He was about the same age as me, probably around sixteen or seventeen with chestnut long hair that mostly covered his brown eyes and he always flips his hair to make sure you could stare right at them. He had light color skin and wore a white long-sleeved shirt, covered with a dirty brown vest which was covered with a dark blue overcoat. He had a sash that crossed his almost muscled body with his big boy Jumper 26. I still remember the day when Sara Griffer gave that to you other than her own brother.

"Ready for your announcement, captain," he said, glaring at the men and smiled. I knew the smile was for me because we were more than just captain and first mate. I smiled at him as I gathered my confidence and began to speak.

"Attention, my fellow comrades," I announced. "We are docked at the airstrip of Giyter right now for a one week holiday. I understand that some of you are from here and as do I. For the people who are not, I give you permission to explore this wonderful city. And for the rest of you, visit your families and spend time with them." I looked at their faces to find them filled with joy and full of wonder.
"Now, go!" I ordered, taking a step to my right, facing the side of the ship where the plank led from it to the ground. "Have fun on your holiday!" Soon, out of nowhere, they ran off the ship like a flock of mullfoys and scattered like rats through the city, on their way home and to adventure.

Aaron and I were the last ones off the ship and I took in the city that I missed so much. I could imagine it saying, "Welcome home, Naomi!" with its familiar smells and sights that have never changed.

"Ah, it's so good to be home," I said, as I took in the evening air and the familiar smells.

"Easy, pretty princess," Aaron said, reassuringly. "We're only for a week, remember? And then we're off to the sky again."

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