Chapter 34

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A/N: After reading another Wingfeather fanfic, I was reminded of time skips. 

So yeah.

Also this chapter has some angstyness in it. So yeah, there's that.


I want you to know when

 you're alone and you feel afraid

You're not the only person

in the world who isn't okay

There's millions of us just like you

- Just Like You, NF

3 weeks later

Sara was ecstatic, to say the least. 

In one week she would be married to the love of her life.

Artham had told Janner that he was one of the youngest royals to get married, to which Janner replied that he had been waiting 5 years to marry her, so it would be good to get it over with.

Sara could hear the royal servants preparing the decorations for where the wedding would be held.

Janner and Sara had chosen the Annieran Forest for where the ceremony would be held, as it had many good memories for them. There was a small clearing in it, large enough to hold everyone that was coming to the wedding.

Gammon and Maraly had arrived in Anniera just the day before, so they were also helping prepare for the wedding.

"You know, I forgot how pretty it is out here."

Sara turned around from where she sat in the grass to see Janner sit next to her.

"It really is." She said, scooting closer to him.

He smiled, then wrapped an arm around her.

"You ever think about the future?" She asked.

Janner softly chuckled. "The future? Oh, yeah, I worry about it all the time."

Sara rolled her eyes. "No, I mean, just think about it, not worry about it."

Janner looked up at the afternoon sky. He could already see a few stars starting to twinkle. "Yeah, sometimes. I think about years ahead, and what our world might look like. If it's different at all. Or just the same as it is now."

Sara snuggled closer to him. "I just wonder..."

"Wonder what?"

"If there's any chance my parents are alive."

Janner felt her slightly shaking, so he held her tighter. "I don't know. But, whatever happens is the Maker's will. We must always remember that."

Sara sighed, and Janner looked back at the sky, until he heard a slight sniffle.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

Sara shook her head. "I used to think that my parents would actually see me get married. But, I guess that's not possible now, is it?"

Janner felt his heart break at how sad she sounded, and he shifted where he was sitting to hold her in a hug. "I know. I miss my dad too. But, all of this was for the Maker's will."

Sara nodded. She laid down, with her head on Janner's lap. He softly stroked her hair as she cried. Tears for her parents, for her family and friends that she lost, and her old home.

But no, she told herself, I have a new home, and new family, and new friends.

But it was still hard to let go.

She cried, softly, quietly, trying to stop herself. But the emotions she had held back released themselves and poured out.

Janner felt as if his heart was shredding as he tried to comfort Sara. He couldn't imagine what she was going through, but no matter what it was, he tried his best to comfort her.

After a moment, she felt as if she had no more tears to cry.

"Are you alright?" Janner asked quietly.

Sara sat up, rubbing her eyes, wiping her tears. "Yeah, sorry-"

"You have no reason to be sorry, Sara." Janner said, pulling her into a tight hug.

She closed her eyes and melted into the hug.

In that moment, she felt truly at peace.

They stayed like that for a while, then got up and headed back to the castle.


1 week later

Sara looked at her wedding dress, which was very plain (which was how she wanted it).

Nia smiled. "Are you getting nervous?"

Sara shook her head. Even though the wedding was in two days, she, unlike so many other women who had gotten married, was not nervous the least bit.

Leeli, Maraly, and Galya, who were bridesmaids, all smiled, as they looked at their dresses.

Arundelle, who, because she and Sara were so close, was going to be the maid-of-honor, looked at her dress.

"The only thing I am nervous about is how Kal will do during the ceremony," Sara told Nia. "I hope he remembers how to perform the wedding."

The girls all laughed.

The ceremony would start off with Artham walking Sara down the aisle, then Kalmar would perform the ceremony, then the dinner and Annieran-style party would begin.

The Annierans did weddings differently than all the other countries. They would have a celebration party, where there would be food, drinks, dancing, games, and story-telling.

"So, does everyone remember what they're supposed to do?" Nia asked.

"Obviously I know what I'm supposed to do." Sara laughed.

"I walk down with Kal," Galya said, with a slight blush, "then he takes his place in the center while I move down by Sara."

"I will already be standing up by where Sara will be." Arundelle said.

"I'll walk down with Thorn, then we'll move to our designated places." Leeli said.

Nia smiled and nodded. "And I'll be standing next to Arundelle."


"Don't most people at weddings wear... tuxedos?" Kal asked, eyeing his royal outfit.

Artham nodded. "Yes, but we're royalty. So, we dress like royals."

"Well, except me." Thorn laughed.

"For now..." Janner added.

Thorn turned beet red, understanding what Janner meant.

"So, we know where we'll be?" Artham asked.

All of the boys nodded.

Artham grinned. "Alright. Well, now that that's settled, let's get our outfits packed in a safe place until the big day."

And so they did.

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