(Chapter 4) Financial issues

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Lawson sat there with so many questions in his mind he couldn't move, his body felt like it weighed a ton. Lawson said, "Well, this sucks..." Kamui walked over to Lawson and held out his hand l, "Welcome back to the world of the sane, kid." He said. Lawson just looked at him and his hand before saying, "Yah... I can't move..." Kamui just nodded and knelt down and picked Lawson up and put him over his shoulder. Lawson let out a short and unenthusiastic "Wee." As he was lifted up. Tim stood outside the construction yard gate and watched the crowd go by. Madilyn stood out in the crowd with her teal colored dress and she ran over to Tim and said, "Hey where's everyone else? I've been looking for you guys forever." Tim just lifted his arm and pointed with his thumb. Kamui walked out and said "The other ones still in there I'm gonna go take this idiot to the apartment building." While slightly lifting Lawson, Lawson said in a slightly offended tone, "Hey! Rude." Madilyn just ran straight past them into the old, broken down construction building.

The room was dark and there were splatters on the walls all around. She held her hand to her mouth as she saw the mangled bodies. The walls had slight decay and small holes like Swiss cheese. As she walked forwards she came to a room that had a looming ceiling. The floor was gravel and there were pieces of clothing scattered around. Her eyes then landed on a dark green shape. She ran over to Dusty, who was the dark green shape on the floor, and removed his mask. She held him in her arms with tears in her eyes. "No it's not true it can't be it's not true!" She said with tears streaming down her face and choking on her words. Dusty's eyes opened with slight bits of flickers in them "Oh hey Madilyn, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Dusty said, extremely strained.

Madilyn just continued to cry, Tim then walked into the room, his light side glowing slightly. "Reverse recollection." Tim whispered as a small wisp of energy flew into Dusty, healing the wound on his chest. Though the wound was scarred now. He coughed up a bit of blood before sitting up right again he looked towards Madilyn "look I have something I should say before it's too late for me to ever say it." He said getting a bit flustered. Madilyn looked into his eyes even though she felt herself becoming quite red too. "Madilyn I think that I might be in lo-" he was cut off by Madilyn pressing her lips to his.

Lawson was thrown into the couch in the apartment building and Kamui said, "You, my friend, need to work on your fighting style." Lawson laughed and said, "Ha! Like you know how to fight." Kamui said, "You'd be surprised." He then faced Lawson and said, "Hmm... it looks like you have 3 broken bones, one with many fractures... your leg seems to have popped out of place and all those cuts and bruises." Kamui handed Lawson a towel and said, "Here, bite this." Lawson said, "Why-" but he was cut off by the towel being shoved in his mouth. Kamui said, "Bite." And Lawson did so. Lawson's eyes widened as Kamui grabbed his leg. A muffled "no!" Was heard right before a loud and deep pop. Muffled words were blurted from Lawson, some were definitely inappropriate. Muffled cries were also heard right after the pop. Lawson's eyes started to tear up from pain.

Kamui started patching Lawson up and said, "It's amazing how you were still able to fight in the condition you were in, what kept you going...?" Lawson pushed his head back as he endured the pain. Lawson's eyes tightened as Kamui leaned him forward. Tim carried the two as he dragged them back to the building they were calling their hideout. He kept one in each arm, and everyone was silent for the trip. When Dusty looked up and saw they were back, he said, "home sweet home-" and started coughing up blood. Tim carried him into his room, then shut Madilyn out so he could focus on tending to his wounds. After several hours, Lawson started walking around and found Madilyn passed out in her room, cuddled up around a single thing. Lawson couldn't make out what it was, but instead decided to look around for the others. When he came to Dusty's room, he found Dusty laying there, without much to show for the battle they had had.

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