Chapter 1| ♡ "I was waiting for a friend"

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It was pouring outside, several college students were rushing to get inside. The one college student last inside was drenched in water, shivering and cursing when he realized his books were drenched as well. Thankfully his bag wasn't as much since he hugged it to protect the water damage.

Renier was inside panting from running. The dye in his hair was starting to come out as it was freshly done. He checked his pocket his vape wasn't ruined so he sighed with relief. None of his books were drenched as he held them closely to him because they were in his bag

Lucas scurried to the office to ask for a schedule and some spare books, after that he tried his best not to drip all over the floor. His hair style was already messy anyway.

He turned around and saw an older cute boy also drenched, he looked like a guy straight from anime. His hair, gosh it was so fluffy he wanted to touch it. But no, seriously, it looked as if it was cotton candy.

He wanted to say something but bit his lip, why would he socialite with this stranger who looks like he doesn't want too be socialized with?

Renier ran his hands through his hair trying to get as much water out. It started to stain his hands red "God dammit, I just did this last night!" Renier started getting pissed and just wanted  to go tk the bathroom to meet his group. He made his way to the men's restroom unaware of the fact that there was a tiny little man follow him.

Lucas was totally not stalking this guy, he secretly followed him whilst repeatly claiming in his head how he wasn't stalking him and was just going outside of the bathroom to meet a friend. Which was a complete lie, but made him feel better.

Renier went in and started vaping with his friends. Inhaling the vape and relaxing to the addiction of the smoke leaving the smell object. They did this every time in between classes, it was dangerous to Lucas but Renier didnt seem to mind at all. There was some coughing at times but it sounded more chaotic than it actually truly was.

Lucas flinched knowing he couldn't inhale the vape or else his lungs would be in trouble, he left realizing the guy he saw would probably not be the right fit. He of course- having the worst luck slipped and hit the floor with a loud clank. He was pretty sure gravity hated him today the most.

Renier saw and looked to see if the person was okay. He was slightly buzzed but nothing much.

Lucas coughed, his eyes were stinging. "Why are you vaping?" He was a bit angry at this dude.

Renier shook his head "Why were you watching us?" Ignoring Lucas' question purposely.

"I was waiting for a friend." He lied, "Answer my question!"

"I have been doing it for a long time. Why do you care?" Renier had an attitude, not wanting to deal with this.

"Some people here are asthmatic!" He growled, his hair a mess. He subconsciously fixed it quickly and got up. Why does this bitch have to be so hot?

"Its whatever. Its not my fault. Just bring your inhaler or some shit." Renier went back into the bathroom, extremely pissed.

Lucas looked at him and glared walking back to his class. "God what a bitch." He rolled his eyes.

It was was beginning to near the afternoon, the weather had began to get a little more better. Sun coming out and shining into the window of the front seat. The teachers came back from the teacher lounges. And prepared for students to come back from lunch.

A little while later Renier walked to class. His breath had a minty flavor, Renier had remembered to bring mints at all times.  He was dazed but seemed relaxed. Renier walked into that class and sat in the back. Not at all paying attention to who sat by.

The boy looked up in annoyance, his ridiculously messy blonde died pink hair messing up the vision of the younger man.

Lucas cursed. Whyd he have to choose to sit next to me?! he thought very annoyed now. He's probably trying to start an arguement will have it your way Koala, I'm planning on sleeping.

Renier didn't notice him and brought out a book and started reading. It was the Touch Series. Known as a romance mystery series.

Lucas turned away, he was tired from walking to college, after a few minutes he quietly fell asleep. His head rested on the table. The college was a normal college, modern but not so impressive it felt built unrealistically by Netflix but not too old fashioned that it felt renewed and trashy.

The desk were fine in a way, but sometimes too small.

Renier took notes whilst listening to his music on his phone hidden in the desk below him. He was aware of the teacher, multitasking was something he has skillfully accomplished.

And the school case worker claimed that it was impossible. Renier eyerolled in his head. Snorting to himself.

He snuck a glance at the smaller boy drooling on the desk and leaned a little closer an inch from his face.

Renier jumped back at the bass hit in the song he was listening to. Deciding he was dazed he continued on.

The younger man snored loudly and Renier laughed to himself. If only the teacher would let phones be visible he could take a video a blackmail Lucas.

Perhaps then he would stop his snarky attitude!

The bell rang and the colleagues hurried out to head to the next topic they had to face.  Renier decided to be nice and nudged Lucas to wake him up, half hoping to push him-- oh of course not. He was even laughing in his head and imagining the scene himself.

That would be wrong.

Lucas stirred and didnt open his eyes just yet, he was a heavy sleeper. But the bright shining though the window of the classroom blinded his eyes and reminded him of where he was again.

Renier had already left walking to his next class. The bell had already rang so he was in a rush, his bag slipping down his arm and hanging uncomfortably on the other side of his elbow.

Renier did not study anatomy, please do not hold that against him later on in the story.

Lucas scurried to pick his stuff and head out checking his schedule. "Where's the music room? Shouldn't there be a map?" He whispered to himself. What the fuck, I must be going mental sense there is literally no way there's a random map in this building. Lucas' brain hurted, he didn't enjoy college that much.

But his father insisted on goin, only to take the money he's going to earn in the end of course.

Oh, and Lucas was looking forward to all of that!

Renier sprinted, panting and leaning on the wall to catch his breath. He had no idea how far the music room was from the mathematics it was like, halfway across the whole campus.

Lucas finally found the music room, he walked in trying to sneak in quietly without them noticing. Mr. Stormy turned around and raised an eyebrow. "You two," he stuck out his two fingers and laid them flat in the air shoving them and splitting the apart to indicate he was talking to Lucas and Renier.



Lucas however was having a crappy day, he had two C's and three B's. "Father's going to kill me…" he muttered.

Renier pulled out a book deliberately ignoring him, he adjusted his elbow to be leaning on the white stained table which multiple college students drew dicks and curse words on. And, shoved the book in his face not wanting to stare at Lucas any longer.

Lucas pulled out a ukulele from his bag. He started singing train wreck softlly

Renier put on his other headphone blaring his music continuing to read his book. It could slightly be heard.

Lucas looked up when the teacher walked in calling Renier out to the hallway.

"Renier your mother wants to see you in the office." Mr. Adam informed Renier.

((To be continued, possibly because I'm really excited to post this!!)))

Lucas and Renier | €nemies to lover troope | 《BL♡》Where stories live. Discover now