Just come home

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1 week later

"Kaitlin, dinners ready" my mom said in a quite voice "mmh" is all the words I could get out, it's been a week since he left, the only message I've gotten was an "I'm sorry" text from him, I haven't moved, taken a shower, or eaten anything for a week "Kaitlin, please eat something" my mom said still standing in the doorway "what did you make"I said with a shaky voice "I got you Chick-fil-A, because me and dad already ate" my mom said bring the bag of food to me "thank you"I said grabbing the bag of food "your welcome sweet heart" my mom said watching me until I take a bite of the food

Next morning

For the first time in a week I got up and out of bed, I got in the shower then got ready for the day
I walked over to the library because I like to think in a quiet place, and escaped reality in books

Nelson pov

"I miss her" I said staring at a picture of her "text her or call her" Noah said taking my phone to see what is was looking at "I can't" I said taking my phone back "why not" "because I told her I loved her before we left" I said looking up at Noah, Noah's eyes widened "did she say it back" Noah said still in shock "yea",
"Mom" i said looking for her "yea" she said cooking food "can we please go to Dallas" "yes" my mom said really quickly, I could hear Noah and Niles walking up behind me "wait actually" I said getting excited, but my mom didn't look so happy "Nelson, what did you say to Kaitlin before we left" my mom said very concerned "I was just trying to calm her down cause she was very upset" "we'll Kaitlin's mom called me today asking the same question, turns out Kaitlin has been in bed for a whole week not eating at all and the only time she get up is to use the restroom" I went pale when my mom said that, I ran to my room as fast as I could, I called Kaitlin hoping she would answer
Missed call, missed call, all went straight to voicemail, I tried calling her one more time "hello" a soft voice spoke "Kaitlin" I said but my voice started to brake..

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