No words to tell

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"Kaitlin" I said as my voice starts to brake "yea, I'm here" she says showing her face "I-I" "Nelson, are you okay" she says with a concerned look on her face "my mom told me about what happen" I said still shaking "my mom told her didn't she" "yea, are you okay" I said not wanting make her uncomfortable
"no"she said as she started crying "I'll be back soon, I promise" I said drying up my tears
"oh yea how soon, what like 1 whole year with no contact, then all of a sudden you need something from me, then another year of no contact, I'm tired Nelson, all I wanted was my bsf, not some jerk"she said as she balled her eyes out
"I know, that was all my fault and I don't blame you, but every day I would type something but never sent it because I was scared you forgotten about me and made new friends" I said as tears fell down my cheek "I never wanted to lose you"I could barely make a sentence anymore
"you never lost me" she said as she smiled "I was also afraid of losing you and that you would've forgotten me" she smiled
"I love so much" "I love you even more" we both said "and I'm coming to Dallas tomorrow, and I'm going to be there for a while" I said trying to calm her down "you promise" she said still with a sad tone in her voice "I swear on my life" i said smiling at her

I'm not crying you are 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
We fight for Nelson and Kaitlin

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