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I don't know why but I just love this ship. I mean it just makes sense and you can ship it in any quadrant you want. It makes sense to kismesis, morail, matesprit, and even auptice. (even though everyone knows that Canaya is the true auptice) I just love the ship because all in all it makes sense. Since Karkat is the mutant and technically Dave is as well I just think they have a lot to relate to. And I ship it even more now that it is Canon. I mean I know most the ships and Canon are the best but honestly I think Hussie he actually knows what he's doing on the ship. Even though he can be a little shit sometimes. I know I probably spend this whole page with Davekat pictures, so please enjoy them.

As said before Dave is a Sagittarius, Iso I'll see what the stars say. Cancer is so sensitive and Romantic but you see, Sagittarius is a nut that cannot be cracked. Despite the fact that they like each others company and both of you can work together extremely well, some differences will set them great distance apart. A romantic relationship between the two of you was not Dustin to work unless both of you learn to adjust and deal with eachother's weaknesses. It is something that can require substantial work. Sagittarius sometimes is too honest to point of being blunt and insensitive. Cancer may appreciate Sagittarius' honest and joyful nature, but Sagittarius has to remember that they are very sensitive to Sagittarius' ruthless and somewhat bold and blatant manner. Most of the time, Cancer will try to hide their true feelings from you. Diplomacy is not one of the best skills of Sagittarius but you have to learn this art if you really want to have a successful relationship with Cancer. Cancer on the other hand needs to learn to handle some of Sagittarius' outbursts. In addition, things can get very difficult with Cancer because they may find it hard to handle the extravagant and direct nature of Sagittarius. However, the future looks promising for this union if you deal with your differences positively.

That was beautiful, I cry every time ;^;.

As you can see this is one of my OTPS, so.......


Goodbye ^^

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