Chapter 1

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It was a rowdy day in the guild hall as usual. Everyone was in high spirits after their return from Crocus for Lucy's award. Macao and Wakaba were sitting close to the bar smoking and drinking beer, Cana not too far away with a large barrel wedged in between her legs.

The Straus sisters were serving drinks, dodging flying objects and stray fists as they went.

Master Makarov sat on the bar counter with his own beer glass, observing his children spread out before him. He may no longer be able to use his legs, but his mind was as sharp as ever and he was still able to pick up a thing or two that seemed out of place. Specifically, Gray sitting quietly next to Juvia for a change and Levy trying to avoid the Iron Dragon slayer. According to his info, the two had started dating and had been closer than ever back at the party held in Lucy's honor, so it didn't accord that the solid script mage would now be dodging the slayer's attention? Did something happen between them?

But the thing that piqued his interest the most was their very own Fire Dragon slayer.

To the world Natsu seemed his usual self, running around screaming obscenities and challenging anyone that would rise to his taunts, but something was amiss. The slayer was currently involved in a tussle with Elfman close to the bar of the guild and it seemed that as usual Natsu was all in. Yet – there - Makarov clearly noted the slayers attention slipping. The fire dragon didn't take his eyes off his opponent, years of training honing his senses ensured that, though for a split second there the guild master could see his attention shifting somewhere else.

The old man's eyes instinctively sought out the guild's celestial mage. The blond was currently occupied with Levy at the bar talking about books or some other nerdy topic. Her blond hair hung loose around her shoulders, loose tendrils drifting in the winds kicked up by the brawls around the guild. Her usual short sleeved collared shirt hugged all her curves in all the right places – and damn if he didn't think the youth of today was just so sexy!

"Master stop that."

Mira chided him, accompanied with a hit to the head when she caught him ogling Lucy's chest. He smirked apologetically, rubbing his head where he felt a bump forming. Sometimes the demon take-over mage didn't realize her own strength.

"He-he, sorry Mira-chan."

Master Makarov threw her a sheepish look while she tisked and grabbed a rag to clean the bar next to him. He rubbed his head for a few more seconds as he thought things over, becoming serious once more. Mira picked up on the master's mood instantly.

"What is wrong Master?"

She queried, wiping the rag down the length of the bar counter. He didn't immediately offer up an answer even though Mira was one of the few people he could discuss guild politics openly with. The model didn't pressure her master, knowing he would answer her in his own time. If not – she was good at reading people and she would no doubt figure it out on her own.

"I'm worried."

Makarov finally breathed out, his eyes closed as he lifted his head to seemingly stare unseeing at the ceiling above them.

"Worried about what Master?"

It was Levy that posed the question rather than the white-haired demon. Mira looked up at the master expectantly, waiting for him to answer her own unasked question: is it a guildmate? Makarov knew that Lucy had stood up to make her way over to the job board in the corner. She was well out of earshot, yet the slayers were too close. They would easily be able to pick up anything he said now.


It wouldn't be safe to say anything until he was certain about his assumptions. He will not be acting rash. This needs to be dealt with delicately.

"Mira, can I see you in my office?"

Master Makarov didn't wait for her answer before he hopped off the bar – his wheelchair appearing magically as he reached the ground. He didn't bother making sure the model was following him, knowing that Mira would never defy a direct order from him.

Once in his office the mage closed the door, knowing that the discussion in here would have to be kept confidential.


Mira questioned when Makarov didn't say anything. He had his back to her, facing the window that looked out over Magnolia. Still, he didn't answer her, focusing on the people milling around outside the guild.

"I want you to keep an eye on Lucy for me."

Mira frowned slightly. Lucy? That was a strange request from the master. Phantom had long been disbanded and most of their members arrested so they were no longer after the celestial mage. Natsu, Gray and Erza were always around the blond so it wasn't that she would be in trouble. So why was the master asking her to keep an eye on her? He couldn't think of her as a spy, could he?

"I can't tell you why right now. Just trust me and tell me if you see anything out of the ordinary. And I mean anything Mira." Now the master turned to face her. "If she so much as sneezes differently, I need to know."

"Master – I don't understand. Lucy wouldn't –"

Makarov cut her off with a hand in the air.

"I cannot explain right now. But I do not think she is an enemy of the guild so you can relax in that regard. Just do as I ask. I will tell you when I have confirmed my suspicions."

Mira was still not happy, but she trusted the master, so nodded her head in agreement before bidding the master goodbye.

The model had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach that wouldn't settle down.

Just what the hell had the master so on edge?

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