Chapter 22: Adventures in the Back...lines

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General POV

It had been 2 weeks since Andy was cleared from the hospital. He was only cleared for Coast Guard service and training in the backlines to make sure he was completely healed. His fleet was with him and so was Alex's....yet the American was nowhere to be found in the last 2 weeks for some reason. 

Andy: "Hey, mom?" he asked, coming back from an escort mission in the Middle East. 

Admiral Emily: "Yeah Andy?" she asked, looking up from her work. 

Andy: "Where's Alex?" he asked, "I haven't seen him in a while and he hasn't been answering my hails." 

Admiral Emily: "He's out there on the frontlines..." she sighed, "He's been in the same shell Enterprise was in during the first war." 

Andy: "'s Marga?" he asked. 

The door opened behind him and Andy turned to face the newcomer. 

Admiral Emily: "Ask her yourself." she chuckled. 

Marga walked in, she had been serving as the Admiral's secretary for a while to slowly bring her back to society....she also avoided Andy like the plague.

Marga: "Hi Andy." she greeted quickly, holding 2 cups of coffee, "I got the coffee you ordered mom." 

Admiral Emily: "Good job sweetie." she smiled, getting her cup. 

Marga sat down in her seat to continue paperwork. 

Admiral Emily: "Anyway, you have any plans this weekend son?" she asked. 

Andy: "Just gonna draw some ships, bulk up my forces, then I'll patrol off the Alaskan Coast." he replied. 

Admiral Emily: "Take Marga with you." she said, making the girl spit out her drink, "Give her some experience with her ship, what do you say Irwin?" 

Andy's Baby Blue eyes swapped for a set of Emerald Greens, signaling Irwin was in control.

Steve Irwin: "Aye ma'am!~ It'll be like old times!~" she said. 

The Admiral nodded and dismissed Andy, whose eyes went back to Baby Blue as he left. 

Marga: "Mom..." she whined. 

Admiral Emily: "Don't start young lady." she said, "You need to reconnect with your cousin somehow." 

In the port Andy sighed, the air was very different, instead of the peppy peacetime air that the place was almost always flooded with, it was dark, gloomy, always looked like it was about to rain, and everyone had swapped their vibrant colors for darker drab ones, for example Andy and Barker didn't get their camo schemes back since they were deemed too bright and too unnecessary. 

Anyway, Andy walked over to the summoning station, his fighting behind the frontline having given him a ton of rewards including 20 Wisdom Cubes. The others were out, helping Alex's fleet with freight duties so Andy walked up to the slot machine alone. He inserted all the cubes and pulled the lever, all 10 pods lit up as 10 shipgirls started forming, 4 were carriers, 1 was a battleship, 3 were light cruisers, and the remaining pair were heavy cruisers.

Andy: "Alright, let's do this." he said. 

Andy pulled the lever one last time to release the shipgirls, the first pod opened revealing the USS Enterprise. 

Andy: "HELL FUCKING YEAH!!" he celebrated. 

Enterprise: "Second ship of the Yorktown class, Enterprise, reporting for duty. I will neither sympathize nor hold back with my enemies, and instead, I go all out. Such is my way." she said. 

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