Chapter1-6ft 2inches of pure malice

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"I continued to sip my coffee as he choked to death. It was bitter—both the coffee and the look on his face.
'You done trying to survive yet?' I said casually. The man's face purple, his eyes

As I stepped over his corpse, my mind was already thinking about the next task at hand.
Knocks on the door intruded on my thoughts.
"Come in," I spoke, and the doors swung open.
"Prince Caspian, your mother and father crave a word with you!" said the servant, Winlight.
"Thank you for informing me."
My mother and father—cold, heartless, never showing me any affection or appreciation.

I bowed as I entered the throne room and immediately felt the imposing presence of my mother and father.
"Ah yes," my mother replied cheerily, "it is time we ended our much prolonged feud with the Romanos!"
"How do you suggest we do that, Mother?" I questioned.
My mother's smile faded as she quickly replied "You are to marry the eldest daughter of the Romanos! Her name is Oaklynn. A very strong-willed and outgoing person."

"I REFUSE TO MARRY HER!!" I screamed.
"Son, you will marry her as you have no choice in the matter," my father boomed, "the contract has already been signed. End of discussion!"
Tears of rage welled up in my eyes. I could not believe I had no choice. As the crown prince, it was my duty to marry for the benefit of my kingdom. But I also didn't want to marry a stranger.

I stalked out of the throne room, slamming the doors open and shut as I stormed to my room.
Once alone, my emotions overwhelmed me.
"How could they do this to me?" I thought.
Feeling helpless, I reached for my sword and a couple of bolts for my crossbow. I needed to get some frustration out and blow off steam. Walking to the training ground, I started practicing my aim with my crossbow and my sword technique, trying to calm myself.

Hours passed, and a guard approached me.
"Prince Caspian, your brothers have arrived. Shall I inform them you'll be late for dinner?" he asked.
I paused. Dinner. How could I have forgotten?
I hadn't eaten all day, and my stomach growled in response.
"Please inform them I'll be there soon. I've just got some things to finish," I replied.
With that, I continued my sword practice, determined to blow off some steam.

As I swung my sword once more, my mind wandered.

How did I get here?

I was the crown prince of the Winterfeld family, rulers of the rich and powerful kingdom of Winterfeld, yet I was trapped in a situation I had no control over: marrying a stranger.

I had always been expected to act like a prince—to do my duty, to lead my people to prosperity, to represent my family with dignity. But this was so much more than my duty. It was my life, and I felt helpless.
I sighed, my sword hanging limply at my side.
My practice session had gone on long enough.

I walked back to my room to freshen up and change into something more suitable for dinner. Then I headed down to the banquet hall.

Dinner was lively, as usual. All of my brothers were present, and I didn't let my thoughts interfere with my meal.
As the dinner wrapped up, Mother cleared her throat.
"Off to bed now boys Especially you Caspian as we have important guests arriving tomorrow and I need you all fresh alert and on your very best behaviour"

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