Chapter 6 I'm Only Sane With You

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Time has not yet made me miss you any less
I fear no time ever will.
Antonio Romano

They found her. They found my Leah. They found my life.

Fuck, baby...

I was still staring at the picture, still staring at her. The oxygen had left my body, everything in me went still, the only organ working was my heart.

Thump, thump, thump...

"I ran her face through the database with the flash drive, giving me access to all devices worldwide, looking for a match like I do every day. That's when I found this; it's a image taken by a girl named Lily Hampton in England, outside of Birmingham in a small café that goes under the name Annmarie's Café," Noah said after he cleared his throat. I felt his gaze on me, waiting for a reaction. When met by silence, he continued.

"I went through all the data that the café had, but since it's an old café with an old owner, you can guess that the old lady hadn't put her café out on the internet. According to the internet, the café doesn't exist, but those who frequent the café have posted a few photos of it, recommending it." Noah's gaze followed mine to the picture in my hand.

"This photo was not uploaded, but with the flash drive, I had access to this on the girl's phone. The photo was taken today around one o'clock in England, so two o'clock here."

Today...around the same time as I was staring at her photos, drinking myself to sleep, so I could see her in my dreams.

I gazed at my watch, it was half past six.

"When did you see this?" I glared at him, holding up the picture. Noah glanced nervously at Theo before answering.

"Around three—" I banged my fist down on the wooden table, silencing him.

"You found this around three o'clock, and you tell me now!?" I growled, standing up. Noah got up too, staring at me with uncertain eyes.

"I was going to tell you, but you were asleep, and you haven't slept in two years. You needed to sleep, so I thought I'd just tell you later—" I slammed both of my hands down on the table, glaring at him.

"I haven't slept in two years because she hasn't been by my side!" I yelled furiously. When I was met by deafening silence and puzzled glances, I sighed and sat down.

Diego put out his cigarette, now looking at me.

"I have never seen you like this. I never thought you of all people would feel devotion for someone," Diego snorted with a smile. I clenched my jaw, glaring at him.

"The guy who could barely stand a woman's presence, let alone her touch, is going mad without his girl pet. To think that you fell for someone is just..." he chuckled, shaking his head. "And that girl being the one you kidnapped and used," he laughed, continuing to infuriate me. The guys gazed at him with bewilderment, probably wondering the same thing as me.

He was about to open his mouth again, to talk some more shit, before I beat him to it.

"Could you just shut the fuck up." I snarled, glaring at my best friend. My best friend, who was behaving like a cocksucking asshole.

"Instead of spewing out shit, you should remember who your fucking boss is before you speak to me like that. Got it?" I glared at him, clenching and unclenching my fist. His eyes darkened, clenching his jaw, he looked away. I had never spoken to him like that, but yet again, he had never disrespected me like that.

"Answer me!" Raising my voice, I stood up. He had been behaving strangely the last couple of months, he was more quiet than usual, he was either in his office or out working, I barely saw him anymore.

"Yes," he muttered. Not good enough.

"Yes, what?" My furious eyes never leaving his.

"Yes, boss," he said through his teeth, staring at me. Smiling a sarcastic smile, I glanced around.

"Someone else who has forgotten who they work for? Hmm? Someone else who needs a reminder? Because believe me, I'm more than happy to remind you all with my fist."

Silence lingered for a few long seconds, before Theo cleared his throat.

"I have a plan. A plan on how to take her back." Finally, someone said something worthy of my attention.

"Tell me."

Taking a second to regroup, he continued. "If I remember her correctly, she won't be easy to take if we just take her. We have to be smart about it, do it without her knowing, you know what I mean? Remember how we took the Spanish capo's wife." He smiled when he saw it dawning on me. It was a good plan, a very good plan. I nodded, already imagining it.

"Tomorrow." That was all I said, they knew the plan, no need to retell it.

I sat down, staring straight ahead at the wall. The liquor and exhaustion had caught up with me.

"Be gone. Everyone." My voice came out calmly. They gazed at each other with confusion, not moving.

Oh, for fuck's sake. "Out. Now!" I roared, shoving away all the paperwork in front of me. The papers rained slowly down around me as they got up without a second glance and left me alone.

My delirious eyes stared at the chair opposite me for several minutes. My heartbeats slowed down, my fury left me with every exhale and with every inhale sorrow took place. Spent, I didn't move, just kept staring at the chair. The empty chair opposite me that slowly changed before my miserable eyes.


Sitting on the chair was my Leah. Her beautiful dark hair was in a braid, her eyes— eyes that I missed so—gazed down, not looking at me.

"Leah," I whispered, wanting her to look at me, needing her to look at me. She shook her head before slowly gazing up at me. And I wished she never did. Her eyes broke me. Her eyes didn't merely hold sorrow, but anger and pain, too. With her eyes locked on mine, she began to shed tears...tears of blood. The dark, red tears began to flow down her cheeks. The air got stuck in my throat.

"Leah, baby...what...?" My voice came out like a quiet gasp. Her eyes hardened upon hearing my voice. More red tears ran down her face, landing on her lap. She began to shake her head with her eyes locked on mine. She shook her head faster and faster until from neck up she was just a blur. My eyes widened, stuck to my spot, I could only watch. Watch as she shook more and more until she just disappeared.

She was gone.
She was never there.

"Fuck!" Standing up, I flipped the table, soon chairs followed suit. Gazing around at the empty room, I ran a frustrated hand through my hair.

"'re making me insane," I whispered, clutching my hair.
I'm only sane with you.


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