Where it all started

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Esme! Esme!" A distant voice echoed, but I couldn't quite figure out who or where it came from. I was in a haze, something swirling inside me, like I was an energy particle eager to break free. Bright threads, almost like light, started slipping from my hands, wrapping around me like a cozy cocoon. And then, suddenly, everything shifted.

"Esme! Esme! Wake up, sweetheart! Somebody call a doctor or dial 911!" Panic-filled cries filled the air, and when I blinked open my eyes, I saw Jack looking at me with deep concern.

"Esme, you okay? Anything hurting?" Jack's voice was soft and caring.

Bits of memory floated back - me, a shelf, a book, and those shining threads slipping from my hands, followed by a rush of power.

"Hey, Esme, you all, right?" Henry asked, his tone full of worry.

Not wanting to sound weird or be thought of as strange, I smiled and replied, "Yeah, Henry, I'm fine. Don't worry."

"Thank goodness! You had me worried. What happened? One second, you're fine, and the next you're out cold on the floor. I had to check your pulse to make sure you were breathing." Henry's voice was serious.

I wasn't exactly sure what had just happened myself, so I decided to play it safe and said, "I just fainted due to low blood pressure. A granola bar will fix me right up!"

Jack asked about my health, and I stuck to my story. After a bit of convincing, he let me take the day off, which was a relief. I needed time to wrap my head around the strange events that had been unfolding.

I checked the shelf that once held the book responsible for the strange incident, but to my surprise, it was missing. All that remained were the usual books, which was alarmingly odd. Packing my things, I prepared to end my day early.

As I left, I noticed an eagle. It felt like it was staring straight through me. I thought it might be my mind playing tricks, given all the strange stuff lately. But shockingly, the eagle followed me home. I locked up, peered out the window, and there it was, still watching. I closed the curtains, feeling my grip on reality slip, surrounded by these unexplainable occurrences.

Frustrated, I tossed my diary on the floor. Out slipped a note: "Those who weave dreams into reality will possess the power to peacefully confine them. They must dream to grasp reality." This time, I was ready for answers, but...

Confusion clouded my thoughts. Where did this note come from? What did it mean? Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I froze. The image showed me dressed in black leather armor, the same eagle from outside perched on my shoulder. Those glowing threads hung from my hands. My reflection bore a fierce, warrior-like expression.

Suddenly, reality shifted. Now, I stood inside the mirror, while my reflection occupied the room. I struggled to make sense of it all. Panicking, I scanned my surroundings, the colors a grim and eerie red shade. I spotted the mirror, and there was the other me, just as startled. But then, unexpectedly, my reflection spoke, "I've finally found you. Thank goodness. At last, everything will be at peace." And then reality shifted again, and I was back in my apartment. On my bed lay the same book from the store, tempting me to read it. I fought the urge, but eventually gave in. And that's how it all began...

Vote and comment, short chap, but next one will be a long one promise and, thank you for reading, see you in the next chap ~Author.

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