Protect Me: It Was You

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Paul pushes the couch away as he stood, helping Eva to her feet. "What the fuck just happened?" He muttered looking around. Eva looked around slowly, at the bullet holes that littered the walls. "Oh my..." She whispered. Eva felt along the walls frowning. The lights flickered, and Eva looked up at the light cautiously. "Paul..." Eva called out frightened as everything went dark.

Warm hands wrapped around her mouth and body pulling her close. "It's me..somebody's outside. Is there any place you can hide?" He whispered into her ear, his hands leaving her mouth. "I'm not leaving you out here." Eva whispered stubbornly. Her eyes wishing to see something. Anything.

"You can die getting shot. I can heal." He stated squeezing her arm to prove a point. Eva felt around for him as her hands traveled up his arms. She turned towards him, her eyes barely making out his face. "I'm choosing my side. I'm not hiding. I don't care if it's from something natural. I want to find out who shot up my damn house." She whispered. Paul grunted as he moved her to a corner of the living room.

"Stay here. Do you have any rope?" Paul asked and Eva nodded pointing to the kitchen. Paul retrieves the rope, pushing the couch right side up. Paul glances at Eva, the moon light through the blinds, her as Paul was giving her a look to stay put as he made his out the door. Eva wanted to move but Paul's steely look seconds before made her think otherwise.

Eva heard nothing and could barely make out anything until the back door busted open making Eva jump. Paul was dragging in a body that was knocked out and dressed in all black. He dumped the body on the couch before making his way outside. Eva took a step closer, her eyes squinting. The lights flicked on and Eva took a step away from the person she knew all too well.

Eva backed herself against the wall her eyes wide. Paul walked inside, his eyes narrowing in on her. "What is it?" He asked making his way towards her. "I know her." Eva whispered, her eyes watering. Paul looked down at the woman and stepped forward removing the scarf from around her face.

"Angela." Eva whispered. "The preachers daughter?" Paul asked looking confused. Eva nodded. "Why? What does she even have against you?" He asked looking down at the small woman. "Let's ask her." Eva stated standing up at her full height.

A cold bucket of ice water splashed onto Angela's face, making her gasp, sitting up. Angela looked around before glaring at Eva . "You should be dead!" She spat. "Yeah...she usually cheats death." Paul stated leaning against the wall. Eva squatted down to her level. "Why? Why would you try to kill me? What did I ever do to you?" Eva asked. Angela let out a laugh. "You think you did something? To me? Eva ever since you moved here you've had everything. The attention, the boys, hell girls..everybody thought you were so special.. I wanted to be you. Love like you. Live like you. Charlie would love me." She smiled.

Eva threw her arm back, landing a punch to Angela's face. Her nose cracked instantly. Angela let out a scream as blood sprayed from her noise. "Oh you've got attention now bitch."

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