
539 1 1

Ship: None
Type: Angst + action
AU: Vampire

⚠️Warning: Cursing, hint of smoking, blood and violence.⚠️


Nick was in a bit of a stump. He had bills that needed to be paid, on top of having to maintain two jobs; one in the day and one at night. He hated both of his jobs, but he desperately needed to keep them in order to stay in his apartment he could barely afford.

Nick was able to pay off his college loan awhile ago, but afterwards, all his luck seemed to have faded. He lost his mother, his dog passed, being dumped by multiple partners, and now had to live in a town that was filled with nothing but constant nuisances all around. His life was slowly deteriorating and could only stay in the low.

Having to deal with people believing in creatures from the forest, to the waters, to the undead, it had only been making Nick feeling insane and more done with everything. Luckily enough, he had decided to be careful about not meeting any of the monsters. Not because he started to believe the local people, no, but rather he wanted to be safe than sorry if anything.

Despite being cautious, Nick had slowly started to become paranoid over the years. He only lived in this town for three, going on four years. Nick felt like he was starting to slowly lose himself to this madness.

"I'm not crazy, and those stories aren't real..." Nick mumbled aloud to himself.

Nick rubbed his eyes before running his fingers through his messy, blonde hair. For a guy in his mid twenties, Nick thought he would've stopped believing in such tales. Guess the world had other plans for him.


"I'm telling you, Nick, I saw a vampire last night!"

"Ugh, Darcy, can you at least let me finish my coffee first?" Nick asked, still too tired to deal with such nonsense. Darcy, one of Nick's coworkers and closest friends, ignored his question and kept rambling.

"I'm telling you, Nick, I actually saw one!" Darcy exclaimed. "Maybe the people around here are telling the truth!"

"Don't be so gullible, Darc. People only tell such stories and nonsense for attention. That's all they want, and you're letting them get it and to you, as well." Nick grumbled, taking a long sip of his cold, bitter coffee.

"Or maybe, they're right and you're just too stubborn to admit it." Darcy insisted. Nick simply rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed.

"I'm not being stubborn. All I'm doing is just simply stating facts, that's all." Nick said in a matter—of—fact tone. Darcy crossed her arms and sat across Nick, letting a 'hmph' sound.

"Uhm, is Darcy alright?" Nick looked over at the new voice.

"Oh, hey Elle." Nick greeted. "Darcy is just being a pain in the arse. Like usual."

"What do you mean?" Elle asked as she sat in between Darcy and Nick.

"Oh, y'know, saying random things that don't make sense." Nick looks over at Elle. "This time, she's staring to believe the people is this little town."

"I'm just saying, that maybe, they are onto something." Darcy pointed out. "After all, they have been here longer than us."

"While that may true for the last part, but...Darc, you get persuade very easily." Elle hesitantly said.

"I—ugh!" Darcy laid her head on the table. After a second she started to let out a long groan before speaking up. "I know, I know."

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