Sokeefe: Prom Dance

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Sophie sat alone in the libray studying for her alchemy class as the bell rang she grabbed her crystal heading over to Everglen because Biana was gonna help her get ready for prom.

Keefe had asked her yesterday it had been kinda random. But of course she had said yes she had been waiting forever Fitz had asked her she declined sadly because she knew he liked Stina more.

And If she had to chose between Valin and Keefe 100% Keefe.


"Hey Sophie" Valin said approaching her she could see the drool going down his face. "Uh, hey Valin" His eyes widened like he was suprised she knew his name.

"I have something to ask you" he told her. "What?" Sophie asked slightly stepping away.

"Do you wan't to go to prom with me?" he asked . "I'm sorry I already have a date" she lyed through gritted teeth.

"Your loss" he said stalking away. "What were you doing talking to Valin" Someone snickered behind her.

"Hello to you too Keefe" Sophie joked. "What did Valin ask?" he wondered out loud.

"To go to prom" Sophie told him cringing. Keefe shutterd. "You said no right?" he asked.

"For sure" Sophie told him laughing.

Keefe then turned a shade of green "Are you okay Keefe?" Sophie asked grabbing his arm. "Yeah, I-I'm fine I was wondering if you wanted to go to prom with me" he asked

He couldn't look Sophie in the eyes as he waited for a responce. "Yes" she told him. He smiled hugging her "Thanks" he said. "No prob" she replied. "See you later Foster!" He cheered.

"Bye Keefe!"

End of Flashback

"I'm so happy Keefe asked you out" Biana cheered. "Same I'm glad Tam asked you out" She squealed. As she applyed the last little bit of macup to my face.

"wow Sophie you look so pretty" Biana said clapping. "You do to" Sophie replied. "Well we should get going" Biana said.

"Lets do this"


"Hey, Foster" Keefe said as he approached her, "Hey Keefe" she said back. She glanced at Tam and Biana bye the punch station. "This is kinda awkward" he said laughing she joined him.

"Wanna dance?" He asked "Yes" she said taking his hand.

"Beware I'm probably going to step-on your foot"

𝕜𝕠𝕥𝕝𝕔 𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤 (𝑜𝓃 𝒽𝑜𝓁𝒹)Where stories live. Discover now