High Adventure

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It had been a couple weeks and things have changed. Kamol is no longer in the mafia. Kimhan is now in charge for Evan. Kamol is still running all of Evan's Hotels, but he has his own real estate businesses as well. Things are still as crazy, but since Kamol no longer has a targe on his back, the guards don't really have much to do now. They help run the hotels and real estate business, but other than that, nothing exciting. Truth be known, they like it this way. They still train as Khom told Kimhan if he ever needed anything, he was there for him, so Ruj, Krit, Lop, Liam, and Vega all decided to help out as well. Though today after training Khom had other plans. He was going to surprise Baiboon with a trip to a High Adventure course.

Khom went back to the house and got cleaned up. He came down the stairs and found Kim and Baiboon working on problems. Khom asked Baiboon if he was almost done, and he said he only had a couple more problems to do and his homework would be done. With Kim and Khom tutoring him, his grades were even better. He couldn't wait until his exam results came out. He was hoping to score a B or an A so he could get into the university near their place. Little did he know that he was already accepted there. Khom mentioned it to Kimhan and sure enough Baiboon has a full scholarship and even a room suite all to himself. Scholarships will be announced at the end of Grade 11. Khom didn't think anyone would be surprised since they knew Baiboon had connections to the Theerapanyakuls.

Baiboon finished up his homework with a nod from Kim who was tutoring him in math. While he was putting his stuff away, he overheard Kim ask Khom where he was taking Baiboon. Khom told Kim not to worry about it because there would not be a repeat of the last date. Baiboon came back to the main room and told Khom he put everything away. Khom told him to go and change into some comfy clothes with tennis shoes. Baiboon was curious but went upstairs to change. Kim just looked at Khom before telling him to have fun, with that, Kim left and walked back to the mansion to see what Kamol was up to.

Khom went and got the Lotus out of the garage and parked it in front of the house. He no longer considered it Baiboon's house. It was their house. He actually thought about moving the rest of his stuff into it, but he knew Kamol would probably shoot him, so at the moment he still had two houses. Just one that he never used. He also can't remember the last time he drove his Lamborghini either. He drives the Lotus because that is what Baiboon likes. It might be Kamol's car, but Khom has put the most miles on it. He can't wait until Kamol gives it to Baiboon. They discussed it and it will be a graduation present. One Baiboon won't think of. When Khom asked Kamol if he could buy it from him, Kamol said he would just give it because he really hated that car. He only bought it on a dare, and he hates losing.

Baiboon came out on the porch and was excited. He got in the car and asked Khom where they were going. Khom told him they were going to have some fun. Baiboon just laughed because he knew his idea of fun and Khom's idea of fun were two different things, but he was getting to spend alone time with Khom, so he didn't care what they did. Khom pulled up at a park that said High Adventure. Baiboon immediately got excited as one of the kids from the city school had a party here and all the kids talked about it. After he got out of the car, he ran over and hugged Khom. Khom returned his hug and then proceeded to pay for both himself and Baiboon.

Baiboon got attached to all the safety equipment and began his trek across the low ropes first before moving to the higher ropes. Khom didn't know if he was going to survive this as he was afraid of heights, but he would do anything for Baiboon. He got all his safety equipment on and followed Baiboon. Baiboon did really well on the low ropes and moved to the high ropes. Khom was only able to complete one section of the high ropes and he had to be helped down. Baiboon got down before finishing the course, but Khom told him to go and have fun and they would do the zip line together once he was done with the high ropes. Khom enjoyed watching Baiboon having fun on the high ropes and when he got done with the course and his safety equipment was taken off, he gave Khom another big hug. They moved to the zip line next and were attached into the safety apparatus and then the board they were standing on disappeared and away they went. Khom thought he was going to die and Baiboon just laughed while holding his hands. Baiboon wanted to try the sky swing with Khom, but Khom told him he didn't think he would survive it. Baiboon just laughed and Khom told him to go on it by himself. He told Khom it was alright. He was getting hungry. They found the restaurant in the park and enjoyed some yummy food and drinks. After they ate, Khom asked Baiboon if he wanted to do anything else as there were a few other activities they hadn't tried yet, but Baiboon told Khom he was getting tired and would like to go back home. As they left the park, Baiboon had a huge smile on his face.

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