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The windy night of the Chicago streets dressed the night

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The windy night of the Chicago streets dressed the night. Tilly, a once beautiful vibrant woman was now no more. Her light skin was covered in marks, and body bones. The only weight she held was in her midsection which held the faintest light of life. Her hands held the glass pipe with a shakiness to it, she could feel the drugs flowing through her body. The anticipation was more than any orgasm could give her. This pipe held all her life's dreams.

"Tilly?" As voiced called in question.

"Tilly, nah ma. Nah. Tilly, who gave you this shit," the man dressed in his sleek clothing asked as he slapped the pipe from her hand. She scrambled from her rags to try to get her medicine. She had an itch coming on that only it could fix.

Tilly screamed before tears poured from her eyes. She looked at his way glaring with hatred. "Why would you do that Warren? That was my shit! I spent my fucking last on that," she cried. Her mind was in need mode she didn't even realize he was back. Years of searching and he had found her. But he had made it a year too late.

War stepped back almost disgusted by what he saw. He remembered when Tilly was on top of the world, a hustler's dream. Her father Preston Bradley had the city in his hand, but when it all came down he didn't expect Tilly to get caught in the crossfire. War stared hard at the woman who used to be hot shit on the block. She was Colombian and Black, a beautiful mixture of the two. Even through the dirt, War could still see the girl that captured his heart. His eyes stayed locked with her stomach and he felt a sickness cover him.

"Tilly, you can be doing this shit. You got a baby to think about. Let me help you. I'll set some shit up at a reha—" Tilly went crazy at the sound of his words, she didn't need rehab she could beat this shit at any time. She was Tilly Bradley. Infamous daughter of the first family of Chicago.

"I don't want you— Aghh," she screamed in agony as she felt the pain rippling through her body. It was unbearable as she felt water leak from between her dirty legs. Her head shook no as she leaned against the building. She needed more time for her baby. They were going to take her, rip her right from her arms as they did her Poppa.

"You need to go to the hospital Tilly," War said leaning towards her and trying to assist her in. She pulled away from his touch, she couldn't trust anybody. Trusting people had led her to this predicament. He saw the hesitation in her eyes and it hurt because at one time she was his best friend. "Warren, I can't go," she cried.

"Trust me, Tilly, I need you to trust me aight' ?" War knelt and grabbed her body. His eyes watered at how little her body was, the change he had seen the young girl make. She was only 23 and the world had eaten her and spit her out. She was no longer covered in her mink fur, her Chanel, and Prada.

As Tilly cried on his shoulder he could only ask himself what happened. When the Bradley operation fell niggas we're getting snatched up with ease. War always moved smart, so he had nothing to fear. But right now he hated himself, for moving on and living. When it seemed like Tilly was stuck.

"Don't let them take my baby, Warren. Please," she cried as tears ran down her face. Through all the dirt and grime who could still see her and it was breaking him. War pressed his lips together in pain as he placed her in his all-black Cadalic. His friend looked at him confused, but the shakiness in his eyes kept him quiet.

"Where too, War?" Don asked. War needed some time to think as he felt like his head was spinning.

"Take us to Ms. Amy's."

War held Tilly as she cried in agony from the contractions and the need for her crack fix. He was a stone of a man, but she was breaking him down. Every scream, every tear was ripping him apart. Feeling his phone vibrate he looked down and saw his wife call, he hated to ignore her but his focus needed to be here. Tilly needed him.

"It's okay ma, I'm here." He whispered as he stroked her face. Even as her soiled body covered his Armani suit and lingered in his new vehicle, he didn't care. Tilly at a time had his heart, and all he could see was her.

"Fuckkkkk. Somebody get this baby out of me now!" She screamed. Her body rocked back in forth as the pain was completely crumpling her. She felt a fire in her vagina. "Get it out." Tilly began pulling at her clothing, ready to pull the baby out herself.

"We here War," Don said.

War stepped from the car carrying a screaming Tilly and carried her to Ms. Amy's door. He didn't have to wait long until she ushered them in completely taking control of the situation. Whatever she did calm Tilly as she prepared her for the birth of her baby. He didn't know how shit had got this bad, but seeing her battered body only showed him the wounds she had collected over the years.

"Breath for me. Now, you got to push Tilly. Push with all your might," Ms. Amy said. Everyone watched with amazement as the fearless baby girl made her way into the world. Small but mighty. War had to wipe his eyes when he heard her angelic voice cry out. However, in that brief second of happiness, everything completely changed. Tilly's body was losing too much blood.

"What the fuck is going on?" War asked with worry in his tone. He didn't get answers when Ms. Amy rushed them out of the room. He stood outside the door as his face held the deepest frown. He had just gotten her back he could imagine losing her again. Feeling the vibration of his phone he pulled it from his pocket and quickly answered.

"Baby? Where are you? I and the boys have been worried sick," Lala asked, as her Baltimore accent peaked through. War just breathed on the phone before speaking. "I'm helping a friend, and I'll be home soon. Give them a kiss for me." He slammed the phone shut before leaning against the door. As the hours passed so did his mind. Thinking of the what ifs.

"War," Ms. Amy said as the door opened. He could hear it all in her tone. Tilly was gone. "I tried to do all I could." War looked off as tears burned his eyes. He felt so little. He needed air because this small house was suffocating him. Pushing through the front door, he kicked the already fragile fence. Before falling to his knees.

"I'm sorry, War," Don said as he made it outside with his best friend. He didn't know what Tilly meant to him, but he could tell it was a lot. "I know this shit hurts. But it's still a little girl in there. Without a mother, without a father. Alone in this world."

War stood and walked back into the house and went straight to the little body Ms. Amy held. He couldn't face Tilly, because he would always remember he didn't protect her. But looking down at the small chocolate little girl in his arms, he made a vow to himself, to Tilly, to love and protect her as if she were his own. "I got you forever."

"What's her name, War? She is too beautiful to not have a name," Ms. Amy spoke. Although she was talking to him, she didn't want him to see Tilly's dead body being taken away and she be pronounced dead. "Noble,"

"Yeah, she is high class. Noble." War said with tears in his eyes. "Noble Tilly Walker." He said bestowing his last name on him. Claiming her as the flesh of his flesh. A father and daughter bond. Noble Tilly Walker.

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