C H A P T E R 3

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Noble sat in the front seat of the Camaro with her lips wrapped tightly around the blunt

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Noble sat in the front seat of the Camaro with her lips wrapped tightly around the blunt. She was feeling a high buzz as she watched with lazy eyes the smoke-filled around her. Hearing a low giggle she turned and her face grew a grin. Mali. He had become so addicted to her over the past couple of weeks. Noble had always prided herself on keeping the niggas on their toes, but this man had her wrapped around his fingers and he hadn't even touched her.

"What's funny?" She asked as she pulled the blunt to her lips. She watched as he licked his lips and reached over and pulled the blunt from her fingers. The way he looked at her sent chills through her body. He made her feel in ways that she had never known. Her breath was caught as he leaned over and wrapped his fingers across her chin pulling it taunt. Noble felt like her heart would burst as she was so close to his mouth she could practically give him air. Mali smiled on the inside as well. He loved the control he had over her. She was part of a master plan, but the more he got to know her, he thought about keeping her around. His eyes locked with hers seeing the want, the need, the direness.

"What are you doing," Noble asked breathlessly. This wouldn't be her first kiss, but this would be one that was making her stomach do summersaults. He was commanding. Mali made Noble want to give him all she had in life without a second thought.

"What do you want me to do, Noble," his voice was low and seducing. A tingle shot through her body up to her back. Noble long legs covered in shorts began to rub together to fight the foreign feeling. Her breaths quicking as she tried to swallow the lodge stuck in her throat.


Her mind was lost, because she didn't know what she wanted him to do. Hell, she would let him do anything his heart desired. Mali was so smooth with his words, he actions. He had her feeling like she was in love, and it had only been a couple of weeks since the rink.

"Tell me what you want, and I'll do it. Anything, you want," He whispered as his lips made their way to her ear tickling her skin through the process. "Can I have you Noble, You gon' let a nigga have you," he asked. As his hand went just between her legs teasing her skin, moving slowly towards the prize he wanted. Noble couldn't control her shakiness. Nobody had ever got this far, that close. But here she was opening and welcoming him.

Ring Ring Ring

"Shit," she kissed her lips as her phone sounded off. Her head fell back in irritation as Mali pulled away with a smirk.

"Where you at?" Lala asked into the phone.

Noble reached for the handle and stepped out of the car. She didn't want Mali to hear her conversation. Mostly because she lied and said she was 19. He didn't look like he messed with younger women, and being 17 still was going to fuck up her opportunity. Mali played it off but he was watching her through the tinted windows. He knew she wasn't 19, but he just wanted to know how long she was going to lie to him.

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