C H A P T E R 2

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Noble opened the front door and stepped to the side to allow her company

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Noble opened the front door and stepped to the side to allow her company. She and Khalid had a project due, and she wasn't going to his house. It wasn't anything arrogant, she just saw how he kept looking at her. Khalid wasn't ugly at all, but his pushy ways demolished all traces of attraction. She watched as he passed his eyes over her home, taking in all its elegance. It was a beautiful estate. Tall ceilings, chandlers, granite countertops, everything that screamed luxury. It was very fitting for the Walker name.

"Damn, we ain't even living this good. And my dad is a lawyer. What you say your dad does again?" he asked. He couldn't control his noisy tendencies, he paid attention to details. Noble rolled her eyes.

She pursed her lips. "I didn't."He was so damn noisy.

Closing the door behind her she bent and took off her shoes. Her hand fell behind her backside to keep her uniform skirt from rising because Khalid was staring hard. An uncomfortable feeling snuck over her, but her pride wouldn't allow her to admit it. Smacking her teeth, she looked him over. "Stop staring at me. Come on, let's just do this project so you can go home." Grabbing his hand she pulled him through the house, room for room his mouth dropped.

"Why can't we chill in yo room?" he asked with a mannish grin.

"We not chillin' shit. You came here for an AP literature project, that's all." she reminded him with her hands placed on her hips. Noble watched as he undressed her with his eyes, not caring that she could see him. Eww, he is so damn disgusting she thought as she continued down the halls of her home. She was pissed that her teacher paired the two. Even in the classroom, he did entirely too much. He was one of the black boys who tried to fit in too much with his white counterparts and completely overdid it with the blacks. He was lame! And Noble couldn't do anything with him.

"Noble, why you playin' with me? You know I'm feelin' you. What, I'm not good enough for you?" he asked trying to put his horrific spin on Ebonic. Khalid reached over and shackled her wrist in his hand trying to pull her body close to his. Khalid could only imagine what her body could do, and he was determined to have a taste. Noble, yanked and pulled till she broke free of his grip. "Stop fucking touching me," she warned.

"You cold, Noble." he sighed. "So what, I'm not hood enough for you? What I got to be selling work and killing niggas to get your attention," he questioned.

No, you got to not be so fucking creepy she thought to herself as she looked him over with disgust on her pretty face.

"Nah, not at all. You need to just catch a hint," she mumbled as she walked faster keeping a steady pace between them. Noble pushed the Den door open, as she and Khalid were in another brief argument of where his hands belonged. Her eyes bucked at seeing her father, brothers, and Saint looking as if they were in deep conversation. All talking halted when they saw her standing there with a boy. It didn't help that Khalid had his hand on her waist, even after she had instructed him to stop. Fear crept down her spine as she watched how her brother's eyes looked at them. It was this unbearable pressure in her throat making it seem impossible to swallow.  Koa was a hot head, so she was ready for him to just blow up. But the look on Kai's face was so menacing that even she was afraid.

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