Evil Woman

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The wound on my shoulder is better today, I heal faster than most people. The pain is still there, though, along with the aching in my ankle. I planned on resting today to allow my body to heal completely before I leave the town. I decided not to wear my armor, I wouldn't be fighting today anyway.

I pull a coat on and fasten my cloak around my neck, and then I head downstairs. Usually, I sleep during the day, or at least try to. But, I had another restless night, so I decided not to sleep at all. Claire waves me over to the bar, already setting a cup of water down for me.

"Good morning, Maneater."

I hate being called that. "Please, call me (Y/n)."

Someone sits in the chair next to me, "So, you do have a name?"

"Yes," I reply.

The bard leans in closer to me, but I give him a warning look, "Back off."

He leans back, trying to hide his fear with a smile. I can see right through it, and he knows it.

"So, (Y/n). Have any exciting adventures lately? Anything worth telling?"

I focus on the wall in front of me, "I saved a girl from an underground bunker last night."

"And you got stabbed?" He asks curiously.

"I momentarily got distracted and received a light scratch from someone's sword."

He lets out a laugh, "And you say my ego is fragile."

"What is it that you want, bard? Shouldn't you be bothering the Witcher?" I snap.

"You are one feisty little woman," he says.

I pull a dagger out of my boot and hold it to his neck. He raises his hands up with wide eyes.

"Don't call me that."

A hand grabs mine, pulling my dagger away from the bard's neck. "Keep your hands off of my bard."

His deep voice sends shivers down my spine. I yank my hand away from him and glare, "Then keep your bard away from me."

"I do have a name, you know."

"Quiet," the Witcher snaps.

The bard backs down, "Alright then."

The Witcher leans in closer to me, trapping me against the counter. My heart rate picks up as I try to find a way out.

"I can smell your fear."

"I don't fear anything."

That's a lie. The only thing I fear is the very thing I kill. Men.

I take my wooden cup and smash it against his head. He stumbles back and lets out a deep growl, "Fuck."

I run to the exit but a group of men stop me. It only takes me a few seconds to realize who they are.

"Shit, shit, shit!" I ramble, running back up the stairs.

"Fuck, get Ciri!"

The bard runs up the stairs after me, running into a different room. I quickly gather my stuff and run out to see the girl and the bard staring down the stairs. The girl yells, "Geralt!"

The sound of fighting echoes from below. I push past the two and run downstairs, my sword held out in front of me. The Witcher is fighting the soldiers with ease, I plan to sneak by them, but two soldiers stop me.

"What a surprise. Came here looking for you, and we managed to find the princess as well."

I clash swords with the guy, "Why the fuck are you after me?!"

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