Tag 2

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So I was also apparently tagged by @ZOLOWERECAT quite a while ago too so that's here I guess.... 

1. Favourite horror movie: Never seen any, don't plan to

2. Favourite ship: Too many to count- I'm very picky about them but several from Genshin Impact, several from Empires....

3. Favourite character from any musical: I'm not sure-? The last musical I watched was ages ago-

4. Worst fear(s): Death, losing people I care about, losing a specific person(you know who you are)

5. Crush/partners: Haven't ever had any, likely I never will(goes for both)- I can't see myself in a relationship with anyone, and crushes don't come easily for me. I had two fantom crushes when I thought I liked them more than a friend but I just wanted to be better friends with them in the end. I'm most likely Aro/Ace. 

6. Favourite song: Constantly changing, currently either Tír na nÓg or Téir Abhaile Riú by Celtic Woman

7. Favourite author: AJ and my sister(explanation in first chapter)

8. Someone I hate: A friend's hellish parents

9. Sexuality: Uncertain but probably Aro/Ace(and when/if I do have a 'crush' or 'take a liking to someone' it's Pansexual)

10. Favourite colour: Darker greens and blues

11. Favourite animal: Any and all cats and elephants

12. Ever been in love: Nope, likely never will be :/

13. Ever kissed someone: No

14. Worst mistake: I'll be keeping those private(they aren't that bad just really embarrassing)

15. Three of my favourite people: AJ, my school friends

16. Last time I cried: From pain, two years ago because of my ovarian cyst(I have had one before, yes, I was 12 at the time). From emotion, a few weeks ago

17: Tags: I'll try to find people I guess

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