Tag 3

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I got tagged by AJ(Rainyjoi2009)

1. Nickname: Linh(real-life nickname, not particularly linked to my actual name), Quiet, Shadow, Shadowling(there is another, but that stays between me and the one who uses it)

2. Eye colour: Brown

3. Hair colour: Also brown- very dull, I know, hence why I want to dye it. It does turn a sort of golden-ish colour at the ends if it's long enough during the summer

4. One fact: I'll give you two: I am Canadian(Not many people seem to know that) and I really like history

5. Favourite colour: Blues and reds

6. Favourite place: Probably my desk or the couch honestly

7. Favourite celebrity: I don't....have one

8. Favourite animal: Cats and elephants

9. Favourite song: Ever-changing, right now it's probably Rewrite The Stars or The Other Side from the Greatest Showman

10. Favourite book: I don't have a set favourite, but I'm reading the Thrawn: Ascendancy series at the moment and I really like it

I don't really tag others, so just do this if you want I guess

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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