Chapter 2

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Londyn and Parys stood in the middle of their dorm room. Londyn had sent all her things to the room the same day she bought them, so the room is already furnished and done. "Okay girls, your classes start tomorrow at six in the morning. Make sure you are not late to ANY classes, please?" Robert begged. Both girls nodded their heads to show they understood. 

"Don't get kicked out" Tony, Parys's dad, told them. 

"Oh no, we would never get put out our favorite college. That would be so humiliating to do." Parys replied. Londyn nodded in agreement.

Once their parents left, both girls sat in their room. "Londyn, I'm bored. Lets go explore! Meet new people. I heard Obama's daughter goes here!" Parys yelled. 

"If she is, she better stay away from you. Okay, Let's go." Londyn got off her bed and put on her shoes.

"Londyn! He is soooooo cute!!" Parys whisper-yelled as she saw a boy leave the bathroom. 

"Parys stop. You already called ten boys cute and we only saw eleven." Londyn replied. Parys rolled her eyes and they kept walking. They walked into an cafeteria. 

"Hungry?" Parys asked. 

"Very" Londyn replied while rubbing her stomach. They both laughed and made their way to a line. 

Parys looked around at the guys while Londyn stared at the food she would want to eat. 

"Do you have to pay for the food we choose?" Londyn asked to herself but out loud. 

"No,  If you attend this school them your food should be free." A guy in front of Londyn said. She looked at him weird. 

"My bad, I'm Stephyn. I'm a sophomore here, you must be a freshman? I never seen you around." He said to her. Londyn was stuck in her moment. He was heaven sent. Literally, Londyn thought he might have been God's son or cousin because he was the best guy she had ever seen in her life. 

"Hello?" He said. Londyn snapped out her trance. 

"Oh my bad. Yes i'm a freshman and my name is Londyn" She said while shaking his out stretched hand.

By the time Londyn and Stephyn got their food, they had told each other their whole life stories. Londyn learned that Stephyn is actually from Texas also but Houston. He was put in foster care when he was two years old but his foster parents stopped caring about him when he turned twelve, so basically he has been on his own since then. His dream goal is to go to the NBA and be a star point guard or center for the Los Angeles Lakers, but he really wants to focus on being barber. He only got into UCLA because he kept his grades up and focused on impressing the scouts every time they game to his basketball games.

Parys looked around noticed Londyn talking to a very tall light skinned guy. He had a perfect smile and a little of tats on each of his arms, he also had the famous hair do that every guy seemed to be getting this time around. He looked to be about six feet and eleven inches but Parys wasn't for sure. It was easy to see that Londyn had some interest in this guy because Londyn never smiles this hard when she talks to Codyn.

Parys walked up to the mysterious guy and her best friend. "Hey Londyn" Parys said. Londy faced her. 

"Oh, Brandyn this is my best friend Parys, Parys this is Stephyn. He is a sophomore here." Parys smiled at Stephyn and they shook firm hands. Stephyn filled out Parys and thought she was cute, but he had never been attracted to dark skinned girls, light skins were his type. 

"So what dorm side are you guys in?" Stephyn asked. 

"We are actually in the Purple side around the twenty  hallway. Purple room twenty three." Londyn replied with the same smile she had been wearing since she first started talking to Stephyn. Stephyn nodded his head and smiled back at Londyn. Parys could easily see they liked each other so she turned and walked around to find some dudes to mingle with.

Londyn and Stephyn sat at a table and continued to eat and talk. "So what part of Dallas are you from?" Stephyn asked her. Londyn bit her lip and thought if she should tell him where she was from or not. He looked at her waiting. 

"I'm from South Dallas. The good part though." She replied. He nodded his head still keeping that award winning smile that she loved.

Once the food was ate, Stephyn offered to walk her back to her dorm room. As they walked he began to ask questions, school related this time. 

"What you studying to be? Doctor?" Stephyn laughed a little. 

"Nope, I wanna be a cosmetologist like doing nails.." Stephyn nodded his head and continued to walk the halls with her. Parys met them both at the door. 

"How was lunch?" Parys asked in a salty tone. Londyn rolled her eyes at her best friend.

Londyn knew that Parys is mad because her best friend met someone from the campus before she did. "Lunch was good, how was your lunch?" Londyn said in a playful way, just to mess with Parys since she was already mad about something so little. 

Stephyn hugged Londyn. "Imma go and get back to my dorm and sign for my classes. I'll see you later beautiful, you to Parys." Londyn smiled and waved as he walked odd. Parys fake smiled. 

Once the door to their dorm was shut Parys admittedly crossed her arms and looked at her best friend. Londyn looked back at her. "What did I do?" Londyn asked. 

"Oh nothing. Besides leaving me to eat lunch alone, like by myself. Just me, Parys, alone." Parys now wore a sad face. "I thought it was going to be us two, you know? No one else, the two best friends. Us till the end Londyn." 

Londyn rolled her eyes at the dumb words coming out her best friend's mouth. "It is just us. I just talked to one person, you act like I made him my best friend and made a life long promise, I didn't." Londyn replied. Parys bit her fingernails. She couldn't think about or imagine herself being replaced as Londyn's best friend. A tear ran down her cheek and Londyn sighed loudly. Parys is always sensitive to situations like this.

Londyn got off the bed and walked to Parys and wrapped her arms around Parys to comfort her. Parys cried harder into Londyn's red Ralph Lauren Polo t-shirt. Londyn now felt bad about what she had said. 

"Parys I wasn't saying I was going to stop being your friend i'm just saying that you can't be acting so jealous. I am not going anywhere soon and neither are you so don't think that. We are never going to be split up so stop crying, dry your eyes Parys. You're my best friend and I love you okay?" Londyn told her. Parys tried to soak up her tears but they only came out more. Her feelings were really hurt at Londyn's word choices. 

Parys let go of Londyn and sat on her bed in silence. Londyn stared at her and tried to wipe the tears out of her polo shirt. "Londyn do you really love me as a best friend? Or do you just string me along because our dads work together and were both rich?" Parys asked as she wiped her face. 

Londyn mentally rolled her eyes and stared at Parys. "Parys I would not hang with you, buy you stuff, or talk to you if i wasn't serious about us being friends." Londyn told her.

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