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She was not ready for the sight that came to her eyes. There, in the middle of the room, lay Shaoran, with tubes taped to his arms and chest on the hospital bed. There were slight traces of bruises and cuts on his arms and face.

Sakura put her hand over her mouth, tears pooling her eyes. She stood at the door, not believing what she was seeing. She blinked away her tears, and took another deep breath before walking closer to Shaoran.  She sank into the chair at the side of the bed and had to suppress her tears again. She balled her hands into fists and pressed them to her eyes.

No, I have to pull myself together, I have to heal him. Then he will be better.

With shaking hands Sakura pressed the palms of her hands on either side of his face and her magic surged through his body, healing what he couldn’t on his own. Tears spilled from her eyes and she sat back down and put her head in her hands letting sobs rack through her.

It’s all my fault; if I hadn’t started that fight I would have been helping him defeat that thing and he wouldn’t have been injured like this.

Sakura heard a clatter outside the door, and took this moment to pull herself together. She wiped the tears from her face and took a deep breath before she looked at Shaoran again. She looked up and green eyes met brown. Immediately the tears were back, she covered her mouth with her hand and couldn’t believe her eyes.

“You’re here.” Shaoran croaked. Sakura gasped and took his hand in both of hers. Letting the tears spill from her green eyes; speechless.

“I felt your presence when you landed in China. I knew it was only a matter of time before you came to see me.” Sakura looked down at their hands and swallowed.

“I’m sorry for taking him on without help. I figured I would give you a hand since you had so much on your plate already, but look what’s happened to me.” He swept a hand down his body with his free hand. Sakura knit her eyebrows together and bit her lip.

The minutes passed, Sakura’s eyes trained on their hands, and Shaoran’s on Sakura.

“Why won’t you say anything?” She pulled her hands from his and wiped the tears from her face before looking up at him.

His eyes pierced silent questions into hers and she shook her head, blinking rapidly, fearing the tears would come rushing back.

“You idiot,” She chuckled “What should I say? Should I say I forgive you for letting yourself almost get killed? Should I say I’m sorry for not coming sooner? I don’t know what I should say.”

“Tell me how you forgive me for that fight.”

“I was the one who started that fight.”

“Can’t you humor me? I’m in a hospital after all.” Sakura gave a small smile.

“I forgive you for starting that fight.” He laughed, and then winced.

“I’m still a little sore.”

“Tell me about it. I think I used more than half of my magic to heal you.”

“You did a crummy job then.” They both laughed and then winced in pain.

“I’m the one who is supposed to be hurt. What happened to you?” Sakura gave a guilty smile.

“Well, I took a snake fang to the side earlier today. No big deal.” Shaoran’s face sank into a frown.

“You took a snake fang to the side? And you are already out and about again? Come here, let me see.” Sakura pursed her lips and looked at him skeptically.

“What? Come on who is the one who has experience in medical work, now come here.” Reluctantly, Sakura sat on the edge of his bed removed her jacket, threw it onto the chair, and gently lifted the bottom of her shirt, revealing the bandage wrapped around her stomach.

Shaoran sat up and gingerly began to un-wrap the bloodstained gauze. Sakura held her breath as he pulled the last of it from the sticky wound. She watched as Shaoran dabbed the blood away from the puncture, wincing from time to time.

“Well at least there wasn’t any poison in the fang. It looks pretty deep though.” Sakura stifled a laugh,

“You should have seen it three hours ago, it was a lot deeper.”

“You didn’t go to the hospital at all? I guess it doesn’t surprise me, you never have. And you’ve let your magic do all the healing?” She looked at him and nodded. “On top of that you healed me. You need to be more careful with your magic; you might just collapse from the amount you have been using lately.”

“I’m fine, I’ve had worse.” Shaoran looked at her skeptically.

“You need new gauze, and maybe some medical attention.” Before Sakura could stop him he pressed a button on the side of his bed, and within seconds a nurse appeared.

“Oh! Young Master, you are awake-”Shaoran cut her off,

“I need gauze, antiseptic, cotton balls, and some food.” The nurse obeyed and immediately left the room. He smiled at Sakura, and sat back against his pillows to wait.

“You seem awfully calm for someone who just woke up from a two week coma.” Sakura narrowed her eyes.

“Oh, come on, I’m perfectly fine. I feel like I just woke up from a nice refreshing nap, and I can do anything. Except for the fact that I am sore everywhere. Plus,” he added as an afterthought,

“You’re here.” A blush formed on Sakura’s cheeks, and she looked down at the wound on her side. He leaned forward and put his hand on top of hers. “Why didn’t you come sooner?” he asked in a whisper.

“I- I didn’t know you were hurt until we landed.”

“Why didn’t you come then?”

“We were on our way to our hotel when I sensed the presence of the snake. We decided to take him out to get it out of the way. Then I got injured and Kero and Tomoyo ordered me to stay at the hotel until I was fully healed.” Shaoran laughed. “What?”

“You obviously didn’t obey their orders.” Sakura rolled her eyes, “Right, and leave you here in a coma? I couldn’t do that.”

“How did you sneak out? Kero is pretty observant,” Sakura shot him a disbelieving look “When he wants to be.” Sakura laughed, and her hand went to the wound instinctively, and pain lanced through her. She gave a small squeal and pulled her hand away.

The nurse entered the room with the supplies Shaoran asked for. He thanked and sent her away as he went to work on the wound, a mask of concentration on his face. Sakura gripped the blankets in her fist and squeezed her eyes shut as he cleaned the bleeding flesh.

“There, all done.” Sakura looked down at the tightly wrapped gauze then let her shirt fall; her arm tired.

“How do you know so much about medicine?” Shaoran shrugged and lay back against the pillows.

“I decided it would be a good move to learn it since I have been injured so many times over training and magic.” Sakura nodded, since it made sense. “Good thing too, I don’t really like hospitals very much, I had a room made in the mansion for medical practice. I just wish my servants had brought me there instead of here.” He shrugged.

“It’s not like you were conscious enough to tell them. Maybe they figured going to a hospital would be best since multiple doctors could be at your disposal. Plus, you are the only one at the mansion who knows medicine so it’s not like you could have healed yourself while unconscious.” Shaoran closed his eyes and lay an arm across his eyes.

“I should be getting back before they wake up and find out I’m not there.” She got off the edge of the bed and slipped her jacket back on, not bothering to zip it. “Bye.” She paused at the door, took a swipe of potatoes from the plate of food they ignored then turned around for one final look, her finger in her mouth

“Visit me soon?” He asked, his eyes brooding into hers. She flicked her gaze away and nodded before leaving the room.

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