☆ chapter 1 ☆

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A/n this will be awful, but I just wanted to see more Ms Hardbroom stories on here, so I'm giving it a go. xx

"Listen Diana, the girls at Cackles Academy need to know more than they are being taught, the old method isn't working as it used too, and they need to know more useful skills," the Great Wizard says to me as I stare at the floor.

"I don't understand why I need to work at that school. There are plenty of other eligible applicants who actually want to do this." I say staring at him, I have been his assistant for 5 years, my entire life is here, I can't just leave and live in a boarding school full of teenage witches who don't know how to control their magic.

"It must be you, you're the only one I trust to do this, astronomy is a subject that needs to be learnt, and you are the person that needs to teach it.This is the end of the discussion, you will be leaving tomorrow morning so you can be there a day before all the students," he says before sighing, "good luck, Diana."

I walk out of the room and go into my office, grabbing my phone and walking to my flat.
Looks like I need to start packing, I think to myself as I start to go through my wardrobe to find clothes appropriate to teach in


I transferred outside a large black gate guarding the castle. The light rain falls down on me, and I knock on it slowly.
I see a shadow appear followed by a tall lady wearing all black. Her red lipstick contrasts with her outfit perfectly. She was stunning.
"And who are you?" she says impatiently, glaring into my soul
I feel like face heat up as I look towards the floor to hide the blush forming on my cheeks.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Diana Avery, I'm looking for Miss Cackle," I say, still refusing to look up at her out of fear of embarrassing myself.

"Diana Avery. Sounds," she paused,"familiar. "

"I was the great wizard's assistant for many years," I say, looking up at her and smiling, my face still probably red as a tomato.

"I wasn't aware he was making a visit," she narrows her eyes and continues to glare at me.
I laugh nervously
"He isn't, I'm here for a job, the new astronomy teacher." I smile at her

"Very well, come with me," she says before clicking her fingers and transferring us into a large office, its ceiling towering over us.

"Ah, you must be Ms Avery," a short woman with light grey hair walks towards me and grips my hand.
"Pleasure to have you at the school, I am Ada Cackle, headmistress,"
She says, leaning over her desk before inviting me to sit down opposite.
Ms. Hardbroom goes to stand next to Ada as the tall woman glares at me, and I feel my face heating up once again.

"Pleasure, Ms Cackle." I say, probably still looking like a tomato under the womens glare.

"Unfortunately, the room I was planning to allocate you on the second years has to be given to some more students. The school just keeps getting bigger,"
she says, smiling.
"So you will be in the room next to Hecates, monitoring year one instead. Meaning if one of the girls needs you, they come to you or to Ms Hardbroom over here." She explains gesturing to Ms Hardbroom whose smile falters.

"But Ada, I always monitoring first years alone," she says in a hushed tone that I can still hear clearing, Hecates gaze never leaving me.

"Unfortunately, it's the way we must do this now. Hecate, you might like the company. It's not like you two are sharing a room," Ada says before flashing me a wide smile
"How about you show Ms Avery to her room?"

Hecates gaze left me as she stared at Ms Cackle.
"I have classes to prepare for," she says in an outraged voice.
"And I'm sure 10 minutes won't hurt. Go on," Ada says before I suddenly get transferred out and into dark hallways. The lights flickered off the dark bricks, dimming the room completely.
"Your room is here," Hecate says, standing in the doorway of my room.
It's nice enough, a plain double bed placed up against a large window, with a desk on the opposite side, and a bathroom door next to the desk.

"I hope this will be," she breaks "sufficient"

"I'm sure it will, thank you," I say, smiling at her before walking in.

She keeps standing there with her eyes zoned out on my window.
She seems to jolt back into reality as she turns to me and lets me know to come down for dinner at 7 before transferring away.

tysm for reading ml <<<<3

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