☆chapter 2☆

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I check the time on my phone and realise I've been sitting in my room for a bit too long, and it's 5 minutes to seven. But it was worth it. My room is now looking more to my aesthetic and less like my grandmother's wardrobe.

I throw an oversized jumper on and walk into the dining hall. The last thing I want is to make a bad impression. Especially to Hecate. I dont know what it is about her, but for some reason, I want to get to know her better. Walking down the long dining hall, I make eye contact with Ada and Hecate.

"I'm so glad you could join us Diana, the rest of the staff are coming tomorrow and Ms Tapioca is on the mirror, talking to her daughter, I do hope you don't mind it just being us three." she greets me

I sit down opposite her, with Hecate sitting on her right and looking down at my plate.

"Unfortunately, the cook here is particularly incompetent. So this meal is what you'll be getting all year. "
The tall witch stares at me as I pout. How is this what I'm supposed to eat for an entire year. And it's porridge, pure plain porridge.

Ada looks between us before smiling and muttering a departure message before transferring away.

"How about." she looks at me,  whilst I grimace at my plate, "I could cook something to your taste? There is a kitchen in the staff room, " Hecate says, looking down when I don't immediately respond.

"If you dont fancy it -" She blushes with embarrassment

"I'd love that, but I couldn't be a bother," I say, smiling at her.

"Nonsense, my dear. Come along. " I blush at the name before being transferred away into what I assume is the staff room.

"I don't exactly cook all too often. Unfortunately, you'll have to make do with some pasta." She says, making her way to the oven.

"That sounds perfect," I once again blush. "Let me help you, I couldn't expect you to do that all alone," I say, coming up and standing next to her.
She smiles at me, an awkward smile like she's never had people offer to help her as she takes out the ingredients, and we, side by side, start cooking.

Once we are done, she starts to dish up as I look for the salt and pepper to season it. All of a sudden, I feel someone come up behind me and reach for something above me. I quickly turn around as I feel my breath hitch, and I'm met with hecate, smirking at me.

We stare at each other for a minute, as I look to her lips, which are painted a deep shade of red, then to her eyes, as she places a hand on my hips and

I hear a gasp

She jumped away from me and looked upon the direction of the sound. I hear myself let out a gasp at the loss of contact as my face heats up as I stand up straight and brush my hands against my trousers.

"I hope I'm not interrupting Hecate, but we must prepare the rooms for the new year," Ada says, smirking at us.

I hear Hecate cough as she walks towards Ada with her head fixed on the floor.
"Coming, Ada," She says in a hushed voice, most likely embarrassed about being caught in that position. Because I certainly was.

What is wrong with me? And what just happened! It is my first day witching sake.

I grab my plate and transfer back into my room. Placing my food onto the bedside table as a fall back on the bed and stare at the ceiling.

I hear the muffled sound of chatter as I awake from my slumber and peer out the window at the majestic building I am currently staying in.

Maybe this new job will have some positives? I mean, the attractive potions mistress has definitely changed my opinion even after only a day of knowing her.

Down in the field I notice a group of people, older than me, all talking with eachother. Those must be the staff, and my new co-workers, which most likely means I need to introduce myself to them before they get an impression of my that I am late or that I lack caring of my social interactions.

Just as I step out of my room, I am met with Hecate, walking down the corridor. She stops and looks at me.

"Hey, how did you sleep," I say in a cheery voice, trying to avoid the elephant in the room.

"If you excuse me, I have the staff to greet," she says before making her was past me into the dark corridor.

Well, this isn't good

a/n if this is bad please message me and give me advice cause idk how to write a book but I do have a plot! wish me luck <333

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