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I woke up feeling like crap. All the tell tell symptoms of a hellashish fall cold or maybe the flu bombarded me. I'm not sure which it is because I have a runny nose, the sneezies, and body aches. It could be either, really. All I want to do is sleep. And wish my nana was still here to make me soup.

At least it's quiet. Today is a double whammy for sports. There's a football game and a hockey game going on at basically the same time so the house is pretty much empty as far as the guys go. Some of the other girls are around, but they haven't even stuck their head up here so I count that as a plus. They generally don't bother me and we all seem happy with said arrangement.

Hutch has texted twice, but I ignored him. I'm blaming all of this on him. If he hadn't taken me ice skating last night, I'd probably be fine right now. Yes, I'm from West Virginia. Yes, we have snow and ice and cold temperatures. But an actual ice rink? That's a whole other level of cold and I wasn't really dressed for it either. It took me forever to warm up last night. Thank God my bathroom has an actual tub and I was able to soak for a while which helped more than anything else.

Maybe I should go out and try to find some Tylenol Cold and Flu, but I don't feel like getting out of bed honestly. I'm miserable and if I get up to try to drive myself somewhere to find medicine, then I'm just going to feel worse.

"Daisy?" There's a knock on my door and one of the girls poke their head in. I think her name is Heather or maybe Christie? I can't remember.

"Yeah?" I sneeze into the tissue I'm holding.

"Girl, you look rough. No wonder you haven't even come out for food."

"I feel worse than I look."

"Hutch is here to see you. I told him I'd come up and let you know, but I can tell him to come back if you want. I know I wouldn't want a guy seeing me look a hot mess."

I don't really care about that, but I don't correct her. 

"Why would I come back?" Hutch gently pushes Heather or maybe Christie out of the way and barrels into the room, looking all chipper until he gets a good look at me. "Shit, you okay?"

"Do I look okay?" I ask dryly.

"You look like you're dying."

"Pretty much."

"You weren't sick last night."

"Hmm...let's see. You dragged me onto an ice rink in jeans and t-shirt. I froze my ass off. Is it any wonder I woke up sick today?"

"I gave you my hoodie," he says defensively.

"And your hoodie." Which didn't help at all.

"I brought you tickets to the game tonight, but I'm guessing that's a hard no."

"Even if I wanted to go, which I don't, I couldn't. I'd spend the entire time sneezing or coughing my head off."

"We could could get you some Sudafed or Tylenol Cold and Flu," Heather AKA Christie offered. "It's how I got through AJ's games last year when I was sick."

"I don't want to put you out," he frets. He looks so hopeful I almost say yes. "It's just that scouts are coming tonight and you're the reason I was able to get my speed back. I really wish you could be there."

"You don't need me to be there to keep your speed." I sneeze and blow my nose. "You just need to stop worrying about all the pressure of it and have fun. Forget about the scouts and just skate."

"Easier said than done." Heather comes farther into the room. "My boyfriend, AJ, was in Hutch's position last year. Fear and pressure can do a number on you. He was picked up by a team, but it wasn't his top pick all because his speed wasn't where it should be. Once the pressure of getting a contract was taken away, his speed came back, but it cost him."

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