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It has been a hell of a long week. We'd just finished the last of three away games. Truthfully, all I want to do is crash, but I'm too wired after that last game. It was close, but Elio pulled off a miracle at the last second and was able to get me the puck close enough to the net that the slap shot I'm famous for payed off and we won. There for a while, I thought we were going to lose to Boston, but our team gels together better than theirs does.

My roomie is out at a party, but I waved him off and told him not to get to drunk when he asked me to come with. If Coach has to hunt him down, it'll be my head alongside his since I'm his buddy/roomie for this trip. If Davis is an issue, I'll just ask for a different roommate. Kids new. A freshman and he's got this need to party that the rest of us don't. I love a good party, don't get me wrong, but I'm sore and I don't want to deal with bunnies crawling all over me. I ain't got time for all that.

I'd rather be on a video call with Daisy, but the girl has yet to give me her number. I've asked. Twice. But she seems to never really answer me. Collin laughs when I gripe. It's not funny. I've never not had a woman give me her number. I swear she's going to give me a complex by the time she actually stops holding her digits hostage.

An idea strikes. It's Saturday so there's probably a party going on at her house. I don't want to ask any of the guys I'm sure will be there, so instead, I pull up Jenny's number. Busy. She's probably talking to Dylan so that won't work. I need someone to loan Daisy their phone. Hmmm...Christa!

"Hutch?" she asks, yawning. "Why are you calling my phone?"

"Are you at the party?"

"God no. I hate parties."

A heavy sigh escapes.

"What's wrong?"

"I really want to talk to Daisy, but she keeps dodging me when I try to get her number."

"I don't know. Maybe give her some space for a bit?"

She sounds so cautious. She knows something.


"Not my story to tell, but she has her reasons for keeping you at arms length."

"Bad breakup?"

"I'm not telling."

"How bad is it? At least tell me that."

"Pretty bad. Not sure even you and your charming self can overcome it."

"Well, we'll never know if I can't talk to her now will we?"

She makes a noise I don't have a name for.

"At least tell me if she's better. She was still snotting all over the place last I saw her. I'm worried she's not eating enough and you have to eat to get better."

"Why do you care how much she eats?"

"I dunno. I guess my mom and my grandma always fed people they cared about and it rubbed off on me."

"You care about her?"

"Would I be trying this hard if I didn't? You and I both know how easy it would be for me to just find a bunny or any girl on campus for that matter."

"Why are all hockey players so arrogant?"

"You love your arrogant NHL star. Now, please, how is she?"

She sighs. "Better. Her snotting has stopped and she barely has a cough. I made her go back to the doctor yesterday anyway to get more medicine so whatever that junk is doesn't come back."

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