Romaji Name: Ao no Exorcist
Note: Action, Comedy, Supernatural
The story revolves around Rin Okumura, a teenager who discovers he is the son of the god demon Satan born from a human woman and is the inheritor of Satan's powers. When Rin's guardian dies while fighting Satan, Rin decides to become an exorcist in order to defeat his father. Entering into the True Cross Academy to learn how to fight demons, Rin meets several other exorcist apprentices who he starts to bond as well as his his twin brother Yukio.
The Anime Book
RandomThis is a compiled book of all of the animes I have watched over the years. I've seen many, diverse in genres. Some you may like, some you might not. I listed the summary of it and even the genre to help! If you recommend any, you can comment the n...