Chapter 2

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        Draco apparated directly to Platform 9 ¾ and rushed onto the train to get a compartment. He had come early in order to be sure he did not have to deal with the multitude of people giving him dirty looks so he found a compartment at the very back of the train. He waited quietly, taking out a potions book to look busy as he watched the students arrive one by one. He didn't need to see Granger and Weasley to know that they had arrived, as they had been immediately swarmed by all of their adoring fans. Draco sneered slightly at the thought but quickly stopped, realizing that if it weren't for them, then he would still be under the clutches of the Dark Lord, being forced to do Merlin knows what...

         Draco continued to people-watch but something seemed to be missing. Something that he couldn't quite put his finger on... Oh! I know what it is, he thought, where is Potter? I didn't see him come in with Granger and Weasley and I'm sure I would have noticed if he had arrived some other time... So where in the world is he?

          His question didn't go unanswered for long, though, as he saw Potter rush in at the very last minute, quickly throwing his luggage onto the train and jumping in after it before the train could leave without him. Draco wondered as to why the other boy had been late but soon decided that he really didn't care enough to think about it for long. So he went back to reading his Potions text, not noticing that someone had entered his compartment until he heard a familiar voice speak softly.

"Um... Malfoy..." the intruder said uncertainly.

            Draco turned his head to see who had dared to enter his compartment, but any witty comment had been stolen from him as he realized who had spoken and was currently very awkwardly standing in the compartment doorway. 

"Potter?" he asked, "What are you doing here?"

            He watched as the Boy-Who-Lived scratched the back of his head, obviously uncomfortable. "Um... Well, all the other compartments are full... so..."

"Just as eloquent as ever, Potter." Draco said, rolling his eyes. "No, my compartment is not full and yes, you may sit here."

           Potter blushed lightly before mumbling something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like prat. The two teens sat together in uncomfortable silence for the longest time before he couldn't stand it any longer and finally gave in to his curiosity. "So, Potter, why aren't you sitting with your friends?"

"Oh... I was late and their compartment was way too full for me to sit with them and I didn't feel like sitting with my... fans..."

"So you'd rather sit with me?" Draco asked incredulously.

           He watched the raven-haired teen intently as the boy was thinking through his response carefully. "Well, believe it or not, Malfoy, I don't particularly enjoy the fame." The other boy said as he lay his head back against the seat and closed his eyes.

"And why would I believe that?" he asked skeptically.

"I didn't really expect you to..." Potter said with a quiet sigh.

"Then why did you say it?" he wondered, extremely curious by this point.

"Because it was the truth." Was the simple reply the other teen gave.

            The rest of the ride was in complete silence, but this time it was rather comfortable. For the rest of the ride, Draco contemplated the words Potter had spoken. For some reason, he found himself believing that the other boy was actually telling the truth. But why would he tell me this? He wondered, staring at the now sleeping Potter. Either way, if what had been said was true, then Draco wondered how much of what he thought he knew about Harry Potter was false...

            Finally, the train came to a stop and he and Potter left without speaking a word to each other. Potter leaving to presumably find Granger and Weasley. Draco leaving to hopefully find a carriage that no one else occupied.

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