Chapter 7

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       Draco stared at the letter for hours, not quite believing what he had just read. He had been so immersed in the letter, that he had completely lost track of time and had even momentarily forgotten that Harry would be coming by in only a few minutes time. He heard the knock on the door, but still couldn't think very well and so he simply yelled for the person to come in.

"Hey, what's up?" Harry asked, breaking Draco out of his trance and bringing him back to reality.

            Draco couldn't help but smile the biggest smile of his life as he looked at Harry's cheerful face. "You'll never believe what has just happened."

"What happened?" Harry asked in anticipation.

"My Father... Lucius, he's getting a trial! Can you believe that Harry!? A trial!" he said excitedly, hugging Harry so hard he was surprised the other boy didn't complain.

"That's great, Dray!" Harry exclaimed.

            Draco had told Harry all about the unfairness of his Father not getting a trial. Draco hadn't expected the other teen to have cared too much since it was Lucius after all, but once Draco had said he hadn't gotten a trial, Harry had gotten furious. The brunette had then told him all about his godfather Sirius Black and how he hadn't gotten a trial either, leading to Harry having had only a few years with his only living parental-figure and a connection to Lily and James Potter.

"How did this happen?" Draco wondered absently, "It doesn't make sense, really, for them to just randomly give him a trial after all this time!"

"Maybe they just realized their mistakes!" Harry said happily.

"Yeah, maybe." Draco said, not convinced. He had a feeling Harry had something to do with it...


            Draco went to breakfast the next day and sat down to read the Daily Prophet as he did each morning. Normally he would just skim through the articles, but the front page headline caught his attention. "Our Saviour, Harry Potter Defending Death Eaters?" it said. Draco read on to find out that Harry had gone to the Ministry to demand that Lucius, and other supposed 'Death Eaters', get a fair trial.

            Harry, what have you done? He thought, You're going to have so many people hating you now... And all for what?


            That night, Draco sat in the chair next to the fire like normal, waiting for Harry to show up. Harry simply  walked into the room, as there was really no need to knock anymore. 

"Hey, Dray" Harry said happily, his smile only fading once he saw Draco's serious expression. "What's wrong?"

"Why would you do that to yourself? To your reputation?" Draco asked, getting straight to the point.

"What do you mean?"

"Why would you defend my Father like that? You don't even like my Father!" Draco exclaimed.

"Dray..." Harry said, kneeling in front of Draco's chair so he would be eye to eye, "I may not like your Father, but I like you... All I want is for you to be happy. And getting him a fair trial makes you happy..."

            Draco couldn't help the wave of butterflies he felt at that statement, but he couldn't let himself hope... "But Harry, your reputation-"

"To hell with my reputation!" Harry cried passionately, "I don't care about that Dray, I never have."

"But- But- I-" Draco stuttered.

"This isn't about your Father is it?" Harry asked quietly, smirking happily.

"Wha- what do you mean? Of course it is..."

"Oh really?" Harry asked, one eyebrow raised in a way that made Draco's stomach flip.

"Yes..." Draco said, non-committedly.

"Draco... You're worth it." Harry said, locking his green eyes with Draco's grey.

            Draco's heart was pounding so hard he thought it would break out of his body altogether. He watched as Harry leaned closer and closer until, finally, he couldn't take the teasingly-slow pace and he closed the distance between them himself.

            Their lips touched for the briefest of moments, but in those seconds, time stopped for Draco. He felt all of himself melt into the kiss and when Harry pulled away, he was glad he was sitting because he knew he would have fallen over otherwise.

"But..." Draco started, "I don't deserve you, Harry..."

            Harry started at that, obviously not expecting Draco to have said it. 

"Draco... You were never a dark Wizard. Never. I've gotten to know you so well Dray, and you are such a beautiful person; not just on the outside, but inside as well and I'd be lucky to say that I'm with Draco Malfoy..."

"Harry, I'm scarred..." he said, pulling up his shirt sleeve to show the dark mark.

"So am I..." Harry said, pushing his fringe back to show his trademark scar.

            Draco looked at the boy in front of him incredulously. How could he want me despite all of my baggage and all of the bad publicity he's bound to get from the Wizarding World? I don't understand him sometimes... he mused. But if there was one thing he knew about Harry Potter, it was how he felt about the raven-haired beauty.

"Harry..." he started, suddenly extremely nervous. At Harry's encouraging nod and smile, however, Draco found all the courage he needed to keep going, "I have liked you for a while and... umm... well... oh, fuck it!" he finished, pulling Harry towards him for another kiss.

            Draco kissed Harry fiercely, as if this would be his last kiss ever. Soon, Harry got up from his spot on the ground and climbed onto Draco's lap in the chair, wrapping his arms around the blonde's neck and sliding his left hand into Draco's beautiful blonde hair. Draco in turn, ran his hands through the messy raven locks and slid his right hand up and down Harry's back, making him shiver delightfully.

            Eventually, they calmed down as they needed to breathe and they both simply sat with their eyes locked, foreheads touching, breath mingling...

"Hey" Harry said, running his hand gently down Draco's face and neck, resting it on the blonde's collarbone.

"Hi" Draco breathed back, playing with Harry's unruly hair.

            The two sat there for most of the night, neither one wanting to ever leave the other's comforting embrace. From that night forward, they were inseparable, neither wanting to lose the other's love as it would mean losing a part of themselves, the second part to their souls.

Author's Note:

            So I hope you liked it! Let me know if I should post my other, longer and more detailed fics! This one was just a quick little thing that I needed to get out of my head so that I could work more on my big fic! So yeah, let me know what you thought!! Also, if you're interested, the next fic will be called "Change In A Star's Alignment"! So keep an eye out for that!



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